Marc Raventós, Postdoctoral researcher from ALBA Synchrotron, attended the seminar “Frontiers in Correlative Material Characterisation: Samples, Techniques, Instrumentation and Data Management”, organised by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation between April 2nd-5th in Bonn (Germany).
During the second poster session of the event, on April 3rd, he exhibited the poster “XRD Enhanced-Characterization of Steel Through Computational Methods”, based on Sup3rForm research.
This work introduces a finite-element x-ray diffraction forward model (xrd_simulator) to assist on the 3D retrieval of the phase distribution, texture and lattice parameters, with the aim to better understand the relationship between the crystalline lattice and the microstructure of third-generation steels.
You can download the poster here.
The event brought together researchers working on correlative, multiscale and multimodal material characterisation from a wide range of scientific disciplines, encompassing experimental technique development, modeling of materials and the development of hardware and software standards for combining data recorded using complementary analytical techniques.
The topics discussed include approaches for sample preparation, sample transfer, the optimization of experimental workflows, data acquisition, data management, image registration, the use of artificial intelligence for image analysis and instrument control, and the creation of digital twins of materials and experiments.