3delecprint eurecat

The objective of 3DELECPRINT is to develop an integrated flexible robotic platform to print electronic sensors and/or cables on geometric complex rigid parts in 3D.

The resulting parts are made of different materials, including metal, composites, and ceramic.

The printing system to be used for the project is based on a spray head for ultrasound. This is a versatile technique enabling the use of a wide variety of dyes, with perfect adaptation to the shape of the substrate and a more efficient use of resources given that is works with very low movements.

General details



Project reference


Programme and call for tender

A project financed by the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIVENESS and by the European Union, as part of the Challenges-Collaboration tender under the State Investigation, Development and Innovation Programme for Challenges in Society. This forms part of the 2013-2016 State Science, Technical and Innovation Plan, the mission of which is to foster technological development and quality innovation.