The LIFE PRISTINE project was present in the Young Water Professionals (YWP) European Conference, an event organised by the International Water Association (IWA) taking place in Copenhagen (Denmark) from June 16th-19th, 2024.

On June 17th, Miriam Carolina Pérez Cova, project partner and researcher from ACCIONA, hosted the talk “Towards an innovative solution to remove contaminants of emerging concern in water treatment systems”, which was included in the session D1 – Emerging contaminants.

In her presentation, she introduced the LIFE PRISTINE initiative and, specially, she focused on the outcomes of the yearlong water analytical campaign carried out to identify the main contaminants of emerging concern that should be addressed during the demonstration stage in drinking water and wastewater scenarios.

The YWP European Conference brought together young water professionals from around Europe and aimed at promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing and inspiration. The event included workshops led by industry experts and panel discussions.