Marina Presas, Communication and Dissemination Officer from Eurecat, has participated in a workshop on science communication in the water management sector organised by the Catalan Water Partnership on March 19th, 2024, at the Catalonia Ramblas Hotel in Barcelona (Spain).
During the event, the communication strategy implemented in LIFE PRISTINE, one of the key R&D projects on water technologies participated by Eurecat, was introduced.
In particular, the actions being carried out and planned for generating society awareness on the emerging contaminants present in water streams and the actions that can be put in place to minimise their incidence were highlighted.
Download the slides of the presentation here.
The workshop, aimed at professionals who manage the communication of R&D projects, served to showcase good practices in science communication, with special emphasis on the environmental aspects and water management.
In that sense, the event also included presentations of other successful communication activities implemented in different research projects from other technological centres and research institutions, such as the Insitute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research and Beta Technological Centre.