Eurecat, innovating with business
Success stories
Miliunverd innovates with Eurecat searching for sustainable packaging to commercialise its brand of Casolí oil
Miliunverd is a family business born [...]
AETIB and Eurecat collaborate in the development of a training plan aimed at the tourism sector
AETIB is the tourist strategy agency [...]
Canmartex innovates with Eurecat in the application of Industry 4.0 in its fabric machine factory
Canmartex is a company that designs [...]
NOVARTIS innovates with Eurecat in capturing ideas and talent through Datathon organization
Novartis is a healthcare company [...]
Masats innovates with Eurecat manufacturing composite systems for public transport and in projects based on predictive maintenance
Masats is an international benchmark company [...]
Splendid Foods innovates with Eurecat to optimise the curing process of sausages
A disruptive vision and commitment to technological [...]
Flick Hockey: new line of sportswear from plastic waste recovered from the seabed
Family business in Terrassa that brings [...]
Kivnon: Innovative solutions in mobile robotics for more flexible and intelligent factories
Technological innovation and customer service are [...]
Cafès Cornellà innovates with Eurecat in its digital transformation process
Cafés Cornellà is a family business [...]
Innovation with Carinsa to develop new services and disruptive products for perfumery and food
Presence in more than 50 [...]