Km0 foods with a social perspective.
CONNECTEM optimises nutritionally improved products using local ingredients in different applications such as vegetable creams, meat derivatives and dehydrated products.
The project responds to the need for social inclusion of a segment of the population, promoting the development of new foods using ingredients of high nutritional value from organic and regenerative Km0 agriculture.
This new range of products will be framed in the use of local plant-based raw materials with high protein content.
In addition to developing new innovative food products with differentiated nutritional and sensory quality, prioritszing the sustainability of the process throughout the chain, CONNECTEM creates new jobs by adapting production technological processes to people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion.
Eurecat participates in the project through its Nutrition and Health Unit.
General details
CONNECTEM – Km0 foods with a social perspective
Programme and call for tender
Funds for the execution of projects by operational groups of the European Partnership for Innovation in Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (AEI-Agri), within the framework of the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
Related ODS
Project co-funded by the EU through intervention 7161 of the PEPAC 2023-2027