DIH-HERO Eurecat

European innovation digital hub, formed by centres of reference in robotics applied to the health sector to promote and accelerate the implementation of technological innovations in medical assistance.

DIH-HERO project develops medical applications in the fields of diagnosis, treatment, assistance and prevention, and other services related with training, maintenance, legal and business advice or logistics, to share knowledge and analyse the needs of the health sector, demonstrating the feasibility of the application of robotics in real environments to solve medical assistance needs.

The project counts with the participation of 16 European hubs, led by centres of reference in robotics and health. Eurecat is responsible for coordinating the Catalan hub, expanding the network and contributing to social, ethical, legal or standardization issues that may arise.

The hub coordinated by Eurecat includes patient organisations, hospitals, clinics and public health services (TicSalut Foundation, the Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS), the Institute Guttman Foundation, the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu of Barcelona, the Biomedical Research Institute Agustí Pi i Sunyer of Hospital Clínic and the Hospitalier Universitaire Centre of Liège); universities and investigation centres (Robotics Institute of the Dependence, the research robotics and computer vision group of the Universitat de Girona or the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), and robotics companies as  PAL Robotics.

Apart from the creation of regional infrastructures in order to develop and test new technologies, DIH-HERO delivers 8M€ in founding so that SMEs and midcaps can develop robotics solution applicable in the health field.  You can find up-to-date information on the upcoming calls here.

DIH-HERO project, led by the Twente University from The Netherlands, counts with the participation of 17 partners from 11 European countries.

logo dih-hero eurecat

General details


DIH-HERO – Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics

Project reference

H2020-EU.2.1.1. – 825003

Programme and call for tender

This project has received funding from the Eureopean Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call  DT-ICT-02-2018 – Robotics – Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH)