Development and validation of a quantitative point-of-care test for the measurement of severity biomarkers to improve risk stratification of fever syndromes and enhance child survival.

The EChiLiBRiST project has the objective of developing and validating a rapid triaging tool (RTT) based on endothelial activation markers to determine, objectively, quantitatively and with high precision those pediatric patients at risk of dying, so as to prioritise their care.

During the first 2 years of the project, a laboratory prototype as well as develop a functional prototype to produce mini-series to test in the field will be developed and validated. During the next 3 years, clinical trials in 3 different African countries to determine its performance in febrile children will be performed, in terms of appropriately supporting the decision of hospital admission compared to the standard of care triaging approaches.

In addition, the project will determine the effectiveness of L-citrulline supplementation (targeting endothelial activation) in improving long-term outcomes among children risk-stratified.

Finally, these trials will be accompanied by health impact and economic modelling of nation-wide introduction of the test, as well as feasibility and acceptance of the rapid triage strategy by healthcare providers and community.

Eurecat participates in EChiLiBRiST through its Unit of Product Innovation & Multiphysics Simulation and the Unit of Functional Printing and Embedded Systems.

This project counts with the participation of 12 institutions from Europe, the United Kingdom, Africa and Canada and will be implemented on a duration of 5 years.

General details


EChiLiBRiST – Development and validation of a quantitative point-of-care test for the measurement of severity biomarkers to improve risk stratification of fever syndromes and enhance child survival

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04 call

Project website