multichanelcodec3daudio eurecat

The Multichanel Codec for 3D audio project has the objective of designing a new method for efficiently encoding/decoding (codec) and encapsulating 3D audio information stored into a proprietary file format. The new system will be built extending existing stereo free compression algorithms to multichannel in order to support 3D audio signals in ambisonics format.

The project’s solution responds to the need of a convenient and well-designed format to conveniently store, distribute, and reproduce a 3D audio signal. The system will permit the compression of a 3D audio piece in a small-size files, allowing an easier broadcast and storage on portable devices for example. Moreover, the file format will be designed in such a way as to ease its handling by decoders from different platforms, function of their own capabilities and of the reproduction purpose.

The new multichannel codec will be developed by Eurecat’s Audiovisuals Technology Unit and will complement a set of plugins for 3D audio professionals conforming the start-up Sfëar.

General details


Multichanel Codec for 3D audio

Project reference

2016 PROD 00044

Programme and call for tender

Project funded by AGAUR, under the framework of Industria del Coneixement 2016 (Llavor i Producte), by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).