Investigation of the impact of time-restricted feeding (TRF) diets on the immune function of obese people.

The OBESIMM project focuses on the relationship between obesity, nutrition and immune function. It is known that pathological conditions such as obesity can cause maladaptive immune responses, making people more susceptible to infections. Although severe caloric restriction can improve immune function, it often lacks long-term adherence.

The project involves an intervention study in obese individuals who undergo a TRF diet to understand how it improves their immune system’s ability to defend itself against pathogens. The research employs a multidisciplinary approach, using cytomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, metagenomics and systems biology to uncover the mechanisms involved in immune modulation and reduction of adipose inflammation by TRF.

In addition to human studies, the project is also using preclinical models of obesity to assess how TRF affects the response to lipopolysaccharide, a bacterial component that can trigger inflammation.

In addition, the project investigates the effects of a nutraceutical containing three bioactive compounds (pterostilbene, β-sitosterol and ubiquinol) with immunomodulatory properties in improving the host’s response to obesity-related immune challenges.

Eurecat’s Omic Sciences Unit actively contributes to metabolome research, with a special focus on lipidomics and glycomics analysis. This research aims to uncover the mechanisms involved in modulating the immune system and reducing inflammation through the application of a time-restricted diet.

General details


OBESIMM – Exploring the effects of time-restricted feeding on the immune function of obese individuals: a multi-omic approach

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded in the call PROCEDIMIENTO DE CONCESIÓN DIRECTA DE AYUDAS DEL AÑO 2023, in the framework of actions of “PROYECTOS DE COLABORACIÓN INTERNACIONAL” of the AEI, originally presented in a European consortium to the JPI-HDHL – Nutrimmune 2022

Related SDGs

Reducing obesity-related health risks and associated infections, improving immune function, promoting strategies, multi-omic approach.