WORKSHOP: The power of Data Analytics in assessing Value of Time for Mobility and Transport Planning: uncovering users’ mobility behavior

18th September 2019
from 08:30h to 17:15h

MediaTic Auditorium
117, Roc Boronat
Barcelona (Spain)

The workshop aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of user preferences, behaviours and needs while traveling and to identify the factors that most influence them. The discussed topics and the presented analysis will highlight which are the main factors that influence the travel option choice, the time spent for travel preparation and travelling as well as the value proposition of the travel time.

The aim of the workshop is also to contribute in the generation of new knowledge that might lead to the implementation of innovative cost-benefit assessment methods of transport projects and to a more sophisticated knowledge of users’ attitudes and choices with respect to travel time.

Will be divided into two main blocks:
The morning sessions will feature several topics (e.g., VTT, transport user experience) addressed through one keynote presentation and two panel discussions.
The afternoon sessions will focus on a more hands-on session on a tutorial on Data Analysis of Mobility Data.



Registration attendees & Welcome Coffee


Welcome and introduction
Jaume Baró, Business Services Director at Barcelona Activa
Giuseppe Lugano, MoTiV Project Manager and Researcher at the University of Zilina
Joan Mas, Director of Digital Technologies at Eurecat


Keynote session
Floridea di Ciommo, Co-director of the cooperative cambiaMO | changing MObility


Meeting travelers’ expectations: how to assess travel experience and enhance people’ perceived Value of Travel Time (VTT). Discussion with national transport operators ATM, FGC, TMB, TRAM.
Laia Garriga, Business Development Manager Rail Industry & Logistics at Eurecat
Eduard Cabrera,
Head of Infrastructures Management Service at ATM
Albert Tortajada,
Infrastructure & International Director at FGC
Michael Pellot, Innovation Director at TMB
Humberto López, General Director at TRAM


Coffee Break


Presentation Woorti App
Yannick Cornet,
Senior Researcher in Smart and Sustainable Transport System at the University of Zilina.


Mobility behavior data analysis: current trends, future opportunities. Discussion with CENIT, RACC and other industry stakeholders
Marc Torrent, Director of the Big Data & Data Science Technological Unit at Eurecat and Director of the Big Data Centre of Excellence in Barcelona
Eglantina Dani,
Transport Research Engineer at CENIT
Marc Figuls,
Technical Director at Fundació RACC
Mireia Gilibert, Researcher in MaaS business models at SEAT


Networking Lunch Break


Value of Travel time: an inclusive mobility perspective
Presentation of European projects related with inclusive mobility and transport.
Host: Holger Haubold, Intellectual Property & Data Collection at the European Cyclists’ Federation.

  • DIAMOND: Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems
    Lucía Recio, DIAMOND project coordinator at Eurecat
  • HiReach: Innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty
    André Freitas, HiReach Startup Lab Manager at TIS
  • Inclusion: Towards more accessible and inclusive mobility solutions for European prioritized areas
    Eva Romagosa, Co-founder & Chief Innovation Officer at BusUp
    Lidia Sala
    , Innovation Engineer at Mosaic Factor


Tutorial – Data Analysis of Mobility Behaviour Data
Matteo Manca, Big Data and Data Analytics researcher at Eurecat

  • Methods and tools to analyze mobility behaviour data
  • MoTiV data analysis case (notebook case study to be followed by participants)

Attendees are recommended to bring their own laptop to be able to follow the tutorial.


Conclusions and Closing
Giuseppe Lugano, MoTiV Project Manager and Researcher at the University of Zilina


Floridea Di Ciommo, Co-director of the cooperative cambiaMO | changing MObility.

CV: She has an extensive experience on transport demand modeling and Transport Equity Assessment. She coordinated the EU Cost Action Transport EquityAnalysis (TEA, TU 1209). She has extensively worked on the nexus between travel behavior, social variables, and equity issues. She is a member of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committees on Travel Behavior and Value and Women’s Issues in Transportation. She also regularly teaches at universities in Spain and in France and supervises students for their PhD or masters MSc. Currently, she is cochairing the WP on Mobility for the Urban Innovative Action project Mares Madrid and chairing WG1 of EU COST Action Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport (WISEACT, CA16222). She is cooperating with international and national institutions and associations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Spanish Transport Department (DGT) for gender and transport aspects, and the Climate Change Foundation for modeling health impacts of transport.

Lecture: This lecture will present a need-based theoretical framework for evaluating transport policies and investment. It will focus on the assessment of personal transport needs as a fundamental part of human life. The lecture will start by elaborating a need-based methodology, where users’ satisfaction together with the identified time threshold define types of trips (i.e. origin-destination, purpose, mode, and distance), which help to identify when mobility needs are covered or not. Then the lecture will move on how to use traditional survey mobility data and new big data related to value of time for checking the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of users’ needs. The conclusion aims to show planners and policy makers where to direct their policies and transport investments in public transport networks and services.


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