• Steel4Fatigue, coordinated by Eurecat technology centre, explores the introduction of new high-strength steel materials to the sector to reduce the weight of trucks and cars by approximately 10 percent.
  • The results of the project will contribute to the consolidation of steel as a cost-effective and sustainable light solution for the future of mobility.
  • The project consortium is made up of eleven partners from five European countries and has a budget of around 2.7 million euros and funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) of the European Union.

The Steel4Fatigue European project, coordinated by Eurecat technology centre, explores new optimised solutions for dynamic components of the automotive industry, by introducing new high-strength steel materials and technologies to reduce the weight of trucks and cars by approximately 10 percent.

As the researcher of the Eurecat Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit and project coordinator Sergi Parareda indicates, the project will contribute to the industry “new characterisation and simulation methods that will allow the development and application of new high-strength steels to structures subjected to cyclic loads. Thus, the results of the project will contribute to the consolidation of steel as a light, profitable and sustainable solution for the future of mobility”.

During its implementation, Steel4Fatigue will propose new approaches to assess the fatigue of steel structures, fracture resistance, microstructural modelling of advanced high-strength steels and modelling of the fatigue phenomenon.

In addition, the research developed within the framework of the project will allow the mobility sector to have new high-strength steel products with improved fatigue resistance, more efficient testing and modelling methods to predict the in-use properties of high-strength steels and lighter, more durable and sustainable vehicle structures.

The project, which will run until December 2027 with a budget of around 2.7 million euros, is funded by the European Union’s Coal and Steel Research Fund (RFCS).

The Steel4Fatigue consortium has eleven partners from Spain, Sweden, Italy, Romania and France. These are reference institutions in the field of research, technology and industry such as Eurecat, Arcelormittal Maizieres Research, Lulea Tekniska University, Sidenor Investigación y Desarrollo, MW Italia SRL, MW Romania SA, SSAB EMEA AB, SCANIA CV AB, Ferruform Aktiebolag, Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan, and the Spanish Standardisation Association.