Steel4Fatigue in a few words
Establishing a knowledge foundation for thick 1st Gen AHSS and spring steels to promote their extensive adoption in the automotive chassis industry
The Steel4Fatigue project investigates fatigue-optimised solutions for dynamic components in the automotive industry by introducing new materials and technologies to reduce the weight of trucks and cars by 10%.
These solutions will be based on specially developed materials with high fatigue performance (AHSS and spring steels), advanced computer modelling for accurate fatigue prediction, and innovative experimental methodologies to reduce testing time.
Steel4Fatigue enhances the understanding of the relationship between microstructure and mechanical performance in AHSS and spring steels, seeking to demonstrate the potential of these steels in the production of lightweight automotive parts, to achieve a remarkable 20% reduction in weight compared to current steel solutions, all while maintaining affordability.
The project includes the development of time- and cost-efficient characterisation methodologies and predictive microstructural models. These tools will contribute to accelerating the design and optimisation of new high-strength steels and steelmaking processes, ultimately reducing time-to-market for high-performance steel products.
Key Data
Project phases
Steel4Fatigue will implement a systematic and multidisciplinary methodology to achieve its technical objectives, divided into four distinct phases.
Materials for fatigue applications
Definition of the most promising materials for chassis systems (chassis frame, suspension system and wheels), targeting a weight reduction of the part of at least 20% compared to reference materials.
Characterisation of in-use properties
Characterisation of some of the most critical in-use properties of high-strength steels for automotive applications through mechanical tests
Modelling and simulation
Development of new modelling solutions to predict the fatigue resistance of AHSS, taking into account microstructural and part manufacturing features.
Industrial implementation
Industrial implementation of thick advanced high-strength steels for manufacturing automotive chassis components
Advanced characterisation
Advanced FEM modelling
Microstructural modelling
Industrial implementation
10-20% less weight
Less CO2 emissions
Affordable solutions
Improved fatigue resistance
The outcomes of Steel4Fatigue will play a pivotal role in consolidating steel as a cost-effective and sustainable lightweight solution for the future of mobility.
New high-strength steel products with enhanced fatigue resistance
More efficient testing and modelling methods to predict in-use properties of high-strength steels
Lighter, durable, and more sustainable vehicle structures
State of the art: Studies on the fatigue properties of thick 1st Gen AHSS steels are very scarce. This limitation is primarily because these steels in thinner formats are commonly used in BiW applications where fatigue resistance is not a critical design requirement. However, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of how microstructure impacts the fatigue performance of thick 1st Gen AHSSs.
Steel4Fatigue contribution: Advances in the understanding of how microstructure influences the fatigue resistance of thick 1st Gen AHSS and how scrap quality influences the fatigue resistance of spring steels.
Fracture toughness
State of the art:Further investigations are required to link the fatigue and fracture resistance to the microstructural constituents of thick 1st Gen AHSSs. This is essential for designing damage-tolerant steels with enhanced fatigue performance.
Steel4Fatigue contribution: Research will be conducted to enhance understanding of the fracture mechanisms occurring during the fatigue process in thick 1st Gen AHSSs and spring steels. Steel4Fatigue will delve into the intricacies of fatigue crack initiation and propagation, providing valuable insights into how microstructure and fracture mechanisms influence fatigue behaviour and can be used to predict relevant parameters, such as fatigue notch sensitivity.
Microstructural modelling of AHSS
State of the art:Microstructural models have demonstrated success in various steel grades, such as HSLA and DP590 steel. These mechanism-based models have notably excelled in describing microcrack initiation and propagation under conditions of large-scale yielding. However, in the case of CP-like steels, which exhibit significantly more complex and hierarchical microstructures, an expanded modelling approach is necessary.
Steel4Fatigue contribution: High-resolution digital microstructural models with crystal plasticity and damage models will be developed to accurately represent the intricate microstructures of complex phases and new-generation steels. These models will enable integrated damage-fatigue assessments of these advanced steels, providing a comprehensive knowledge and data repository for further optimisation of these materials in a holistic overview of mechanical properties.
Material defects and fatigue modelling
State of the art:Even with the current state-of-the-art steelmaking processes and the fabrication of sheet steel parts, the occurrence of internal and external defects remains inevitable.
Steel4Fatigue contribution: A fracture-based modelling approach will be developed to predict features introduced during cold-forming processes, mainly damage, including deformation of already existing defects, and residual stresses.
The consortium of Steel4Fatigue is made up of two universities (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lulea University of Technology), one research institute (Eurecat), five industrial partners (ArcelorMittal, Sidenor, SSAB, Scania, MW) and one standardisation body (UNE).
Eurecat is the leading Technology Centre of Catalonia, providing the industrial and business sector with differential technology and advanced expertise.
Eurecat brings together the expertise of more than 760 professionals who generate a volume of income of 62 M€ per year. Serving two thousand companies, Eurecat is involved in more than 200 projects of R&D national and international with high strategic value and has 200 patents and 10 technology companies.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
Eurecat is in charge of coordinating the project through its Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit. The centre will tackle experimental work on conventional material characterisation and further advanced testing methodology that significantly reduces the time cost required for the fatigue characterisation of materials studied. It will also carry out the life cycle assessment of demonstrators and will lead the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project.
ArcelorMittal (AMMR) is the world’s leading steel and mining company. It has steel manufacturing in 16 countries and customers in 155 countries. ArcelorMittal has a large offer (more than 200 trademark products) representing ~62.9MTon of steel shipments in 2021. Moreover, the group holds more than 724 patent families and has launched 51 new products and solutions in 2021. This is supported by a workforce of around 1,500 full-time researchers at 11 geographical sites throughout the world, with centres strategically placed in Europe, North and South America and close to key operations and customers.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
Luleå University of Technology (LTU) is Sweden’s northernmost university with 18 000 students and a strong focus on applied research.
Luleå University of Technology has about 1500 employees and 18 000 students with approximately half of its research activities directed towards engineering. One important aim with the research is importance for the industry and hence, LTU has the largest percentage of externally funded projects in Sweden.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
The subject of Solid Mechanics at Luleå University of Technology will be in charge of investigating the effect of forming on the fatigue properties of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) sheets. The work will both be experimental and numerical aiming in developing easy to use methods for assessing the fatigue strength.
The company has highly specialized facilities offering solutions for all industrial sectors requiring high quality steel services.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
Sidenor will provide long steel products for the springs of electric vehicles, and will investigate the effect of steelmaking on the fatigue performance of the final product.
MW is a steel wheel market leader for passenger car and light commercial vehicles.
Each model is designed, tested and manufactured with the guarantee of top safety standards for both production workers and vehicle users. In its 7 production plants, MW has a yearly production capacity of approximately 22 million pieces
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
MW is in charge of selecting, producing and testing wheel demonstrators with new materials / technologies developed in the project. The focus of MW will be towards steel grades that will provide more formability and fatigue resistance in order to create wheels with more complex and attractive shapes. This is necessary to increase the penetration of steel solutions able to minimize the weight and the CO2 footprint and at the same time keep guaranteeing high levels of stiffness and performance.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
SSAB will provide advanced high-strength steels grades for thick parts of the chassis. They will also investigate the microstructure of the materials and their effect on fatigue behaviour.
Scania is a world-leading provider of transport solutions. Together with our partners and customers, we are driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system. In 2023, we delivered 91,652 trucks, 5,075 buses as well as 13,871 industrial and marine power systems to our customers. Net sales totaled over SEK 204 billion, of which about 20 percent were services related. Founded in 1891, Scania now operates in more than 100 countries and employs some 58,000 people. Research and development is carried out globally with our main site in Södertälje, Sweden. Production takes place in Europe and Latin America with regional product centres in Africa and Asia. Scania is part of TRATON GROUP.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
Scania will contribute with end-user requirements and take an active role in most of the work packages. Extra commitment will be focused on the fatigue modelling and the physical demonstrator manufacturing and testing to verify the tools for fatigue design generated in the project. Methods to better understand the relation between production processes, microstructure and fatigue properties is of great importance for an optimal design and selection of manufacturing processes.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities. As the largest institution in Sweden for technical education and research, KTH brings together students, researchers, and educators worldwide. Their activities are grounded in a strong tradition of advancing science and innovation, focusing on contributing to sustainable societal development.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
IM2NP will participate with AMU in the quantification at atomic scale of the segregation taking place either at prior austenitic grain boundaries or at the Fe / Al interface using the Atom Probe Tomography and develop of a multiscale modelling to predict locally the amount of residual elements.
The Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, is legally designated as the National Standardization Body of Spain since 1987. It is the national representative and member on the European (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI), International (ISO and IEC) and Pan-American (COPANT) Standards Organizations. As a part of the standardization activities, UNE is very active in integrating standardization in R&I projects, with experience in more than 110 funded European and national projects and also provides support, information and training to Europe-wide R&I actors.
Contribution to Steel4Fatigue
UNE supports Steel4Fatigue in all aspects related to standardization, from the start to the end of the project and beyond. Especially, by identifying existing standards, engaging with standardization organizations, identifying standardization potential of project results and promoting the growth of new standards covering Steel4Fatigue outcomes. The aim is contributing to transfer and valorize new knowledge, increasing the impact of the project, especially among industry, society and public authorities.
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The Steel4Fatigue European project will create new high-strength steels optimised for the automotive industry
Steel4Fatigue, coordinated by Eurecat technology centre, explores the introduction of new high-strength steel materials to the sector to reduce the weight of trucks and cars by approximately 10 percent. The results of the project will contribute to the consolidation of steel as a cost-effective and sustainable light solution for [...]
Kicking off the Steel4Fatigue project
The Steel4Fatigue consortium gathered in the facilities of Eurecat in Manresa (Spain) on July 4th, 2024, to hold the kick-off meeting of the project. During the meeting, the partners presented the different work packages to be implemented throughout the project and put in common the next action points to [...]
Here is a list of Steel4Fatigue work packages and deliverables.
WP1 – Project coordination and dissemination
D1.1 – Comprehensive overview of the project
D1.2 – Risk Assessment and Contingency plan
D1.3 – Data Management Plan
D1.4 – Communication and Dissemination plan I
D1.5 – Communication and Dissemination plan II
D1.6 – Standardisation landscape and applicable standards
D1.7 – Report on the contribution to standardisation
WP2 – Fatigue design of chassis components
D2.1 – Selection and definition of labscale and industrial demonstrator
D2.2 – Materials selection and characterisation
WP3 – New approaches for fatigue evaluation
D3.1 – Advanced fatigue testing methods for high-strength steels
WP4 – Influence of microstructure on fatigue behaviour
D4.1 – Fatigue behaviour from a microstructural point of view
WP5 – Steelmaking process effect on fatigue resistance
D5.1 – Steelmaking process effect on fatigue performance of high-strength steels
WP6 – Effect of forming on fatigue
D6.1 – Experimental and numerical results on forming effects
WP7 – Fatigue testing of demonstrators
D7.1 – Wheel demonstrator
D7.2 – Fatigue performance of the solutions analysed and environmental impact
D7.3 – Publishable report
The promotional materials of the project will appear here.
This section will include a selection of media articles featuring Steel4Fatigue.