The LIFE PRISTINE project was present at the 19th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies (LET 2024), held from June 24th to 28th in Essen (Germany). The conference is one of the largest and most important events in the field of water and wastewater, with more than 300 participants from over 36 countries.
Philipp Sperle, Senior Pilot Process Engineer at Xylem, delivered the presentation “Photolytic ozonation as promising alternative AOP using UV-LEDs”. This work, also exhibited in a poster at the conference, presents the LIFE PRISTINE holistic approach for water treatment by removing trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) from water streams. In particular, a detailed comparison of TOrCs elimination between conventional H2O2-UV AOP and the combination of O3 with UV, photolytic ozonation (O3-UV)is performed.
Click on the link to download the slides of the presentation and the poster.
For its part, Aina Soler, project manager and researcher at ACCIONA, showcased the poster “Innovative and versatile solution to remove contaminants of emerging concern in water treatment systems”.
This poster provided a general overview of the LIFE PRISTINE project, introducing its solution, approach, demonstration sites and the main results from the water analytical campaign performed, among other information.
Check out the poster presented by Aina Soler here.
The LET 2024 conference organised by the International Water Association (IWA), shared the latest insights into how pioneering science, technological innovation and leading practices will shape the major transformation in water management that is underway.