As part of the COMDUR project, the Eurecat technology centre is to develop a digital self-diagnosis platform to enable retail outlets to roll out sustainable activities designed to unlock integrated circularisation in their business operations and thus enhance competitiveness and innovation in this trade sector.

The technological platform Eurecat is to implement in the COMDUR project has “a customised, scalable and mentored approach which means it can be tailored to the level of maturity of each SME and the subsector it is in,” says Eurecat innovation consultant Daniel Blanco. “Thus, for example, in bulky sectors such as furniture, reuse is very important, while in sectors such as food, appropriate waste management is crucial.”

Platform for starting up sustainable activities

The customised pathways to be put in place by COMDUR to support the start-up of sustainable activities by local traders are targeted at reducing the consumption of resources and waste generated, encouraging reuse and recycling coupled with employing specific materials, promoting local products and generating value over the entire lifecycle of the products, thus minimising businesses’ environmental footprint.

Funded by the POCTEFA 2021-2027 programme, COMDUR is a cross-border project which seeks to identify the common needs of local businesses in Spain and France and furnish them with tools for embracing the circular economy and their digitalisation on a single unified digital platform while sharing best practices from initiatives applicable in this sector.