New Manufacturing Processes

category eurecat unit

Spin-off Aracne, specialising in predictive systems and quality control of fabric, winner in the Green Digitalisation Category at the European Digital Innovation Hubs Awards

2025-01-10T13:28:07+01:00December 2nd, 2024|Materials Processing and Capital Equipment, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Textile|

The spin-off Aracne, set up by the Eurecat technology centre and textile machinery manufacturer Canmartex and specialising in the development of predictive and quality control systems for the knitted fabric manufacturing process, has picked up a Green Digitalisation Category prize at the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) Awards. The awards, sponsored by the European [...]

Robotic system for dismantling and recycling computers

2024-12-24T10:10:48+01:00November 25th, 2024|Autonomous and professional robotics, Fires, Functional Printing, New Manufacturing Processes, Plastic material, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre has presented at the Advanced Manufacturing Madrid trade fair the DismantBot project which addresses robotisation of the process of dismantling tower PCs to help in safely and efficiently managing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The initiative, backed by Sadako Technologies and funded by the PADIH programme, has made it [...]

Artificial intelligence and robotics drive the transformation of the textile industry

2024-10-25T12:31:47+02:00September 26th, 2024|Autonomous and professional robotics, Big Data, Materials Processing and Capital Equipment, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Textile|

Artificial intelligence and robotics are driving the transformation of the textile industry as demonstrated during a special session on advanced manufacturing in this field. The event addressed new use cases of new technologies to enhance efficiency in the industry’s production system along with the changes being rolled out in aspects such as quality control. [...]

New intelligent tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage

2024-07-24T13:25:19+02:00June 18th, 2024|Cultural and Creative Industries, Fires, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes|

This week at CM Malaga, the event promoting the adoption of technological and cutting-edge solutions in the cultural sector, the Eurecat technology centre presents innovative tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage through monitoring technology and digitalisation techniques and artificial intelligence for the identification and early detection of threats. Specifically, the ARGUS project [...]

Canmartex and Eurecat devise a new generation of automated knitting machines with a smaller carbon footprint

2024-06-05T11:53:47+02:00April 5th, 2024|Materials Processing and Capital Equipment, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Textile|

Canmartex and the Eurecat technology centre are pioneering a new generation of circular knitting machines, eco-designed to reduce their carbon footprint and automated to optimise efficiency and operator ergonomics in their use, as part of the ECO-TEX project. “The main goal is to help modernise and upgrade the textile industry to make it more [...]

SUR3D project develops new biodegradable material from used cork stoppers

2023-10-26T14:16:45+02:00July 18th, 2023|New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Sustainability|

The SUR3D project, coordinated by the INNOVI association with the support of Eurecat, OIMO Bioplastics, the Catalan Cork Institute Foundation (ICSuro) and the MAV Cluster, has developed a new biodegradable material from used cork stoppers. This project was chosen by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (MINCOTUR) in the call for Innovation Clusters [...]

El centre tecnològic Eurecat innova en la producció tèxtil a partir de materials de base biològica

2023-06-19T11:38:44+02:00June 14th, 2023|Consulting, Functional fabrics, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Sustainability, Textile, WEEI|

El centre tecnològic Eurecat participa en el projecte HEREWEAR, que està impulsant noves solucions de materials basades en els últims desenvolupaments de cel·lulosa i polièsters de base biològica, dins d’un enfocament holístic que busca impulsar un mercat de la Unió Europea per a tèxtils circulars i peces de vestir produïdes localment a partir de [...]

Photonic technology and artificial intelligence to predict textile manufacturing defects

2023-06-15T10:03:15+02:00June 9th, 2023|Fires, Functional fabrics, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Textile|

The Eurecat technology centre is showcasing at ITMA (International Textile Machinery) 2023, the leading trade fair for the textile industry running until 14 June in Milan, a solution harnessing photonic and Internet of Things systems coupled with artificial intelligence algorithms which predicts potential manufacturing defects before the fabric is made and warns the production [...]

Eurecat and BeAble Capital set up spin-off Reinforce3D which is to develop and market new 3D printing technology

2022-04-17T17:39:31+02:00February 16th, 2022|CFIP, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre and fund manager BeAble Capital have set up the spin-off Reinforce3D, which will bring new reinforcement technology for 3D printed parts, components and products to a market estimated to hit €31.5 billion by 2026. Reinforce3D, in which BeAble Capital is to invest up to €650,000 across several stages, delivers a new system patented [...]

Eurecat innovates in advanced materials to build more energy-efficient trains

2022-04-17T23:08:25+02:00November 30th, 2021|Audiovisual Technologies, Big Data, Composite material, Consulting, Fires, Functional Printing, Innovation and product development, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Railway|

The Eurecat technology centre is coordinating the CARBODIN (Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors) project which is to support building lighter and more energy-sustainable passenger trains by developing innovative modular tooling for manufacturing car bodies and carriage shells using composite materials. As part of the project “innovative and versatile moulds and tooling are to be designed and [...]

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