Cultural and Creative Industries

New intelligent tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage

2024-07-24T13:25:19+02:00June 18th, 2024|Cultural and Creative Industries, Fires, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes|

This week at CM Malaga, the event promoting the adoption of technological and cutting-edge solutions in the cultural sector, the Eurecat technology centre presents innovative tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage through monitoring technology and digitalisation techniques and artificial intelligence for the identification and early detection of threats. Specifically, the ARGUS project [...]

New tool optimises acoustics in virtual reality to help people with hearing difficulties join in

2024-02-20T12:14:40+01:00February 1st, 2024|Audiovisual Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

This week at the ISE trade fair in Barcelona, the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing a tool for optimising acoustics in virtual reality and audiovisual production which enhances understanding in virtual environments and helps people with hearing difficulties to take part by tapping deep learning algorithms and binaural audio. The innovation, which has been developed [...]

Eurecat trials an immersive digital reading experience with 3D special effects and music creations

2024-02-20T12:12:50+01:00January 30th, 2024|Audiovisual Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

At ISE 2024, the leading international trade fair for the audiovisual and integrated systems industry, the Eurecat technology centre is presenting a new 3D sound system for audio books which delivers an immersive digital reading experience through narratives enhanced with 3D special effects and music creations. These new media technologies are applied in an innovative [...]

Barcelona is one of the sites of European Culture & Creativity, the new European platform to foster the cultural and creative industries

2023-12-15T12:09:03+01:00October 26th, 2023|Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

Barcelona today hosted the European Culture and Creativity Conference held as part of EIT Culture & Creativity, the new European innovation community to boost the competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries which has one of its six centres in the Catalan capital and from where it will connect with players in the ecosystem [...]

Eurecat technology centre to draw up emotional map of the Cruïlla Festival

2023-10-26T14:03:51+02:00July 5th, 2023|Audiovisual Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre is to conduct a study at this year’s Cruïlla Festival, held from 5-8 July in Barcelona, which will make it possible to draw up an emotional map of the event in order to devise a procedure for neuroscientific assessment of participants’ experience at the activities on offer. The emergence of [...]

Eurecat talks at BNEW about how to grasp the technological transformations of Economy 4.0

2023-05-18T14:31:35+02:00October 3rd, 2022|Cultural and Creative Industries, Events, Fires, Food, Health, ICT, Press Notes, Public Sector, Sport, Textile|

The Eurecat technology centre is taking part in the 3rd Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW) from 3-6 October, an event hosted by the Zona Franca Consortium which brings together experts in technological and economic transformation to explore cutting-edge topics in progress towards Economy 4.0. Eurecat experts are to share [...]

Eurecat formarà part de l’EIT Culture & Creativity, el nou instrument europeu per a la competitivitat de les indústries culturals i creatives

2022-10-17T14:38:37+02:00June 29th, 2022|Audiovisual Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

El centre tecnològic Eurecat forma part del consorci ICE, que ha estat seleccionat pel Consell de Govern de l'Institut Europeu d'Innovació i Tecnologia (EIT de les sigles en anglès) per impulsar la competitivitat de les indústries culturals i creatives europees mitjançant la societat EIT Culture & Creativity. Coordinat pel Fraunhofer i format per 50 [...]

Artificial intelligence opens the door to new ways to generate and enjoy content and experiences in the fields of culture and tourism

2022-10-17T14:46:29+02:00May 30th, 2022|Audiovisual Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

The White Paper on Artificial Intelligence applied to the Cultural and Experience-based Industry sector notes the prominent role that festivals and other cultural activities, tourism experiences or sporting events can have as test environments for powerhouse projects for introducing AI in this sector, as well as public-private innovation and the training of talent, in [...]

New machine learning agent will address conflicts and facilitate interaction in extended reality environments such as the metaverse

2022-10-17T15:13:17+02:00May 11th, 2022|Audiovisual Technologies, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre is leading the European GuestXR project, which will develop a machine learning agent designed to facilitate the interactions between participants in virtual and augmented reality environments such as the metaverse, and help them achieve their objectives, while also making it possible to address conflict situations. For this purpose, a machine learning system [...]

Driving innovation in the cultural and creative industries

2022-03-14T11:38:06+01:00December 3rd, 2021|Consulting, Cultural and Creative Industries, Press Notes|

The RIS3CAT Media Community, coordinated by the Eurecat technology centre, has held its second general meeting to share progress in the projects they are undertaking to drive and bring about change in the cultural and creative industries and also position Catalonia as an international showpiece. The RIS3CAT Media Community brings together 34 companies and R&D players and [...]

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