
Smart robotic solution enables detection, sorting and harvesting of delicate fruit

2025-01-10T13:25:44+01:00November 29th, 2024|Autonomous and professional robotics, Fires, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre, the Basque Government’s Department of Education through the Basque Centre for Applied Research and Innovation for Vocational Education and Training and Enkitek have developed a smart robot harnessing computer vision and artificial intelligence for harvesting delicate fruit such as strawberries. The robot was unveiled at the Expo AgriTech 2024 fair [...]

Eurecat presents robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and sustainability technologies for the agricultural industry

2025-01-10T13:24:05+01:00November 28th, 2024|Autonomous and professional robotics, Fires, Functional Printing, Press Notes|

This week at Expo AgriTech 2024 in Malaga, the Eurecat technology centre is presenting innovative technologies in robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and sustainability to address the agricultural industry’s challenges. The agricultural sector has to deal with “significant issues including climate change, labour shortages and the need to make farming methods more sustainable,” points out [...]

Robotic system for dismantling and recycling computers

2024-12-24T10:10:48+01:00November 25th, 2024|Autonomous and professional robotics, Fires, Functional Printing, New Manufacturing Processes, Plastic material, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre has presented at the Advanced Manufacturing Madrid trade fair the DismantBot project which addresses robotisation of the process of dismantling tower PCs to help in safely and efficiently managing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The initiative, backed by Sadako Technologies and funded by the PADIH programme, has made it [...]

Eurecat showcases in Brussels innovative technologies across the entire hydrogen value chain to decarbonise industry and mobility

2024-12-24T10:09:17+01:00November 25th, 2024|Fires, Press Notes, Química|

At European Hydrogen Week in Brussels, Belgium, the Eurecat technology centre has showcased new developments in innovative technologies in the hydrogen value chain ranging from production, storage and distribution to its use as energy or raw material for this key vector for decarbonising industry and society. Eurecat “is at the forefront of decarbonisation and [...]

Eurecat picks up prize at Advanced Manufacturing Awards for ultra-thin smart interface for the new generation of cars

2024-12-24T10:06:10+01:00November 21st, 2024|Automotive, Fires, Functional Printing, Plastic material, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre has picked up the “Best Product Design and Development Innovation” prize at the Advanced Manufacturing Madrid trade fair for the Púlsar project in which it has developed a smart plastic surface just 3 millimetres thick that is expected to be embedded in the central electronic control system of the new [...]

Eurecat innovates in smart fabrics and plastics to bring functionalities, personalisation and comfort to car interiors

2024-12-24T10:01:58+01:00November 14th, 2024|Automotive, Fires, Functional fabrics, Functional Printing, Press Notes|

This week at the Automotive Interiors trade fair in Stuttgart (Germany), the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing new technological solutions and innovations which include shape-memory fabrics, visual comfort and electroluminescent filaments along with smart plastics to add functionalities to car interior materials. The automotive industry “is fully engaged in digital transformation and also embedding [...]

Decarbonisation and new smart solutions for optimising mobility, among the growing trends in the sector

2024-07-24T13:29:29+02:00June 19th, 2024|Automotive, Fires, Press Notes|

New mobility is being shaped by major trends, such as the application of new smart solutions that lead to its management and optimisation, both in terms of people and goods, and the decarbonisation of the sector, through technologies for electrification and the use of hydrogen as an energy vector, as is evident these days [...]

New intelligent tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage

2024-07-24T13:25:19+02:00June 18th, 2024|Cultural and Creative Industries, Fires, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes|

This week at CM Malaga, the event promoting the adoption of technological and cutting-edge solutions in the cultural sector, the Eurecat technology centre presents innovative tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage through monitoring technology and digitalisation techniques and artificial intelligence for the identification and early detection of threats. Specifically, the ARGUS project [...]

Artificial intelligence optimises efficiency in water management systems

2024-07-24T13:21:16+02:00June 12th, 2024|Fires, Press Notes|

This week at the Digital Enterprise Show (DES) in Malaga, the Eurecat technology centre presents the results of increased efficiency in the use and reuse of wastewater with the application of artificial intelligence technologies to water management systems. Across various talks, the centre showcases the success stories of the innovative processes and digital solutions [...]

Test beds for construction companies to test smart materials in a diversity of climates

2024-07-17T13:32:56+02:00May 24th, 2024|Fires, Press Notes, Sustainability|

The Eurecat Manresa technology centre is presenting as of today at the ExpoBages fair two test beds for the construction industry, where companies can test smart materials for façades and monitor them in real time in a diversity of climates, along with technologies for monitoring and improving indoor air quality. Eurecat is a member [...]

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