Smart Management Systems

category eurecat unit

Eurecat presents technologies and digital solutions for the automotive industry and electric and autonomous mobility in Brussels

2023-12-15T12:23:44+01:00October 18th, 2023|Automotive, Big Data, Canvi Climàtic, Data Science, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems, Sustainability|

At the European FORM Forum on the future of road mobility held this week in Brussels, the Eurecat technology centre is unveiling new technologies and digital solutions for the automotive industry to enhance transport anchored in autonomous vehicles and the resilience of connected autonomous mobility systems along with producing more sustainable and robust vehicles and [...]

New predictive maintenance system to enable smart street lighting management

2023-06-19T08:56:26+02:00May 5th, 2023|Consulting, Energy, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems|

A new smart predictive maintenance system for street lighting systems will enable integration of multiple data sources and their real-time processing by tapping artificial intelligence algorithms to help generate predictive recommendations, identify abnormalities, anticipate faults and prescribe maintenance tasks. The platform, which has been developed as part of the Predalin project led by Sociedad [...]

New cybersecurity toolbox designed to protect automated and connected mobility systems

2022-09-21T07:14:08+02:00September 15th, 2022|Automotive, Big Data, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems|

The European SELFY project is to develop a self-assessment and self-protection toolbox to enhance the security and resilience of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) systems against potential cyber-attacks and malicious actions. This is at a time when around 50 million connected and automated cars are expected to be on the road in Europe [...]

Sustainability, digitalisation and automation are critical for agricultural competitiveness

2023-05-18T14:37:04+02:00September 9th, 2022|Autonomous and professional robotics, Data Science, Food, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems, Sustainability|

Research and innovation projects to unlock sustainability, digitalisation and automation in agriculture are helping enterprises in the industry to make more informed decisions and be more competitive. That’s the view of the Eurecat technology centre outlined today, 9 September, on World Agriculture Day. Nowadays “competitiveness involves applied knowledge and developing innovative solutions drawing on disruptive technologies,” [...]

The European Commission will allocate EUR 2.8 million to DIH4CAT, selected as one of Europe’s SME digital transformation hubs

2022-10-17T14:41:46+02:00June 20th, 2022|ICT, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems|

The European Commission has selected the Catalan public-private consortium DIH4CAT, of which Eurecat is part, as one of the EU hubs responsible for the digital transformation of SMEs. DIH4CAT thus becomes one of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) with the aim of contributing to getting 75 per cent of European SMEs to have [...]

A European project seeks to roll out solutions to increase the Catalan coast’s ability to adapt to climate change

2022-10-17T15:12:13+02:00May 12th, 2022|Press Notes, Smart Management Systems, Sustainability|

The European IMPETUS project, coordinated by the Eurecat technology centre, has launched a public survey open to companies, local entities, industry, organisations and the public to have them take part in proposing and evaluating effective solutions to increase the Catalan coast’s ability to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This survey provides the chance [...]

A predictive maintenance model makes it possible to anticipate errors in the functioning of public transport access doors and ramps

2022-10-17T15:33:01+02:00March 29th, 2022|Automotive, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems|

Starting today, at the Advanced Factories fair, the Eurecat technology centre is exhibiting a system created in collaboration with Masats in the area of predictive maintenance. This system incorporates artificial intelligence and advanced data analytics to anticipate errors in the operation of public transport vehicle access systems, with doors and ramps, developed by the company. The [...]

New system tapping artificial intelligence and big data for better cold cut curing is presented at Mobile World Congress

2022-04-17T22:48:56+02:00March 1st, 2022|Big Data, Fires, Food, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems|

Food group Splendid Foods, whose core business is making cured cold cuts, has partnered the Eurecat technology centre on a project which taps artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics for better cold cut curing. It results have been showcased this week at the Mobile World Congress. The project “has designed and deployed a monitoring system equipped [...]

Artificial intelligence, 5G, the cloud, virtual and mixed reality, blockchain and the metaverse among the key technologies at MWC

2022-04-17T17:46:44+02:00February 24th, 2022|Big Data, Fires, ICT, Press Notes, Smart Management Systems|

Connectivity technologies such as 5G, cloud-related innovations, edge computing and the Internet of Things are to make a strong showing at the next Mobile World Congress (MWC), where artificial intelligence coupled with virtual and mixed reality and blockchain, often associated with the metaverse, will also feature prominently. The Mobile World Congress “has always been a [...]

Eurecat coordinates €14.8-million European project to fast-track the continent’s response to climate change

2022-04-16T00:05:05+02:00January 24th, 2022|Press Notes, Smart Management Systems, Sustainability|

The Eurecat technology centre is coordinating the IMPETUS project which is funded with a €14.8 million budget. It is designed to fast-track Europe’s response to climate change and pinpoint specific actions involving innovative measures to help with climate adaptation and make progress towards becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The project, which in Catalonia also involves [...]

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