At the IOT Solutions World Congress fair in Barcelona, the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing ​​a digital health app which provides personalised recommendations tapping artificial intelligence to foster healthy lifestyle habits for older people and helps towards active ageing and better care for dependent people.

The app is called Carpe Diem Virtual Coach and aimed at older people to encourage them to pick up healthy habits in physical exercise, cognitive and emotional wellbeing, diet and sleep to enhance their wellbeing and also as a preventive measure.

It is like “having a virtual personal trainer on call who gives bespoke advice while gathering new information on the user’s habits and behaviour through questionnaires and smartwatches,” says Sílvia Orte, head of research in Integrated Care at Eurecat’s Digital Health Unit.

This solution leverages the state-of-the-art BECOME recommendation system developed by Eurecat to support behavioural change towards a healthier lifestyle. The system “empowers people to take care of their health due to the personalisation of the content offered and the time at which the motivational content tailored to the user is sent.”

Moreover, the BECOME system “engages in continuous learning to adapt the content presented to users in a totally dynamic way which varies over time based on their behaviour and relationship with the system,” points out David Marí, director of the Digital Health Unit at Eurecat.

“The Carpe Diem Virtual Coach is equipped with artificial intelligence and taps the technology of the xCare digital health software services platform developed by Eurecat which includes assorted self-management tools for clinical processes specifically tailored to each patient,” adds Felip Miralles, director of Health Technologies at Eurecat. “It also draws on the BECOME smart recommender which has a repository of over a thousand recommendations.”

Eurecat has developed the app as part of the Mataró-Maresme Territorial Competitiveness and Specialisation Project “Innovation ecosystem for caregiving towns and cities” co-financed by the Government of Catalonia under the ERDF Operational Programme of Catalonia 2014-2020 and coordinated by Mataró Town Council.