Addressing sustainable city logistics by tackling the negative externalities caused by freight distribution.

The NIMBLE project addresses the lack of logistics solutions oriented towards small stores (comprising 20% of all goods distributed in a city like Barcelona) by defining a new, more efficient and seamless model of urban goods distribution. NIMBLE’s model is based on:

  • Simplifying last-mile distribution by centralising deliveries at smart lockers, thereby reducing route complexity, operating time and, the impact of delivery vehicles on urban traffic.
  • Redistributing delivery times to off-peak hours and night times to ease traffic congestion.
  • Deploying a last-mile distribution model to small stores via sustainable light cargo vehicles, enhancing the user experience for these outlets.
  • Reducing road traffic density and its impact on urban life.

Ultimately, NIMBLE addresses congestion and pollution challenges and inefficient logistics systems in urban areas while enhancing economic viability for small businesses and improving overall quality of life in cities.

Urban freight distribution currently accounts for 10-15% of automobile fleet and causes 25% of carbon dioxide emissions and up to 50% of other pollutants according to the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) and the Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe (ALICE).

These congestion and pollution levels, both acoustic and airborne, are harmful for citizens and for the city itself, provoking a loss of the urban space, and the quality of it, that directly affects economic, cultural, and social activity, reducing health and quality of life.

Eurecat participates in the NIMBLE project through its IT&OT Security Unit, providing expertise in cybersecurity matters to ensure that the implemented solutions fulfil all requirements.

The project’s consortium is coordinated by CARNET Barcelona and is made up of 5 European partners.

General details


NIMBLE – Nighttime and last-mile sustainable logistics for small stores

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) through the EIT Urban Mobility initiative

Related ODS

7. Affordable and clean energy

11. Sustainable cities and communities

13. Climate action