Paradigm shift for a healthy and sustainable diet in schools through the empowerment of children and adolescents.

The main goal of the SchoolFood4Change project is to provide systemic solutions for a healthy and sustainable diet by empowering children and adolescents in and around schools to fight against the increase of poverty and obesity.

The implementation of different innovation teaching strategies are part of the concept specifically designed for the project: “Whole School Food Approach”.

Some examples of these strategies are involving farmers when providing food for school menus, establishing collaborations with all the stakeholders of the whole agri-food value chain, giving cooking classes based on the principles of the healthy planetary diet or creating healthy snacks.

This ambitious project aims to create a new paradigm in terms of the binomial between healthy and sustainable diet applied to school menus by impacting more than 3,000 schools and 600,000 children in 12 European countries.

Eurecat participates in SchoolFood4Change through its Nutrition and Health Unit, which provides support in the definition and evaluation of methodologies and in the formulation oh healthy snacks.

The scope and knowledge generated from this pilot project will enable to create a scalable methodology for the rest of the European Union countries. The project consortium is formed by 43 entities from 12 European countries, including research centers, small and medium enterprises, governmental institutions, and municipalities.

General details


SchoolFood4Change – Towards a new paradigm in school meals that takes into account public health and territorial, social and environmental resilience

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program under the call LC-GD-2020 (Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal).

Project website