
SuPreAM in a nutshell

Boosting the implementation of Additive Manufacturing with optimal surface integrity


The SuPreAM project is developing and improving the performance and capabilities of a predictive simulation model of finishing operations in steel Additive Manufacturing (AM). 

SuPreAM has the objective to optimise the surface integrity of Additive Manufactured and Machined steel components and to reduce manufacturing expenditures at the steel industrial sector by minimising the material scrap and reducing the number of re-processing loops during finishing operations.  

The excellence of SuPreAM relies on the integration of all the factors affecting surface integrity generation over additive manufactured workpieces in order to provide machining strategies solutions in the design stage, prior workpiece finishing, avoiding the generation of scrap, aiming to produce defect free components. 

      Key Data

  • Start-end date: 1 July 2023 – 31 December 2026

  • Duration: 42 months

  • Funded under: Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) programme of the European Union

  • Overall budget: 1,565,380.41

  • Reference number: 101112346


SuPreAM integrates the influence of steels of manufacturing technologies and machining strategies in the development of the predictive models constituting a step forward for the identification of the main critical parameters affecting surface integrity.

  • Surface integrity prediction of machining/cutting/finishing processes

    Integrating the influence of steels, of manufacturing technologies and of machining strategies in the development of the predictive models.

  • Modelling of machining/cutting/finishing processes

    Developing the cutting process model using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) which has shown promising results in the modelling of materials subjected to large deformation of the workpieces.

  • Machining of Additive Manufactured steels

    Providing new insights into the cutting tool wear mechanisms behind surface integrity generation and identifying critical parameters on its generation. 

  • Additive Manufacturing of novel maraging steel

    Addressing the application of a new quality of steel that does not exist in the current market (Lean Maraging Steel).

Project phases

Additive manufacturing of conventional and novel steels 

Improvement of machining operations through the study of the influence of AM process, steel microstructure, chemical composition, heat treatment and mechanical properties of AMed steel alloys.

Machining strategies for Additive Manufactured steels

Development of machining strategies, acoording to machining processes and finishing processes, with optimal surface integrity.

Machining processes and component behaviour modelling

Development of models of machining processes of AMed steels such as cutting machining modelling and numerical simulation.

Surface integrity characterisation

Evaluation of the machinability of the AM materials, considering steel quality, the AM process, heat treatment, cutting tool and/or post-processing parameters.

Validation of the proposed solutions

Demonstration of how two real components are suitable for being produced by Additive Manufacturing technologies and suitable for its use in real demanding application.


The SuPreAM project proposes the investigation in a holistic approach of the main factors affecting part quality of Additive Manufactured and Machined steel projects.

To develop an in-house software module for the simulation of milling/turning and finishing processes based on particle finite element method (PFEM).

To evaluate steel grades for surface integrity optimisation of AMed and machined parts.  

To develop an in-house software module for the simulation of the electrical discharge machining (EDM) process.  

To determine the influence of steel AM technology, machining strategies, machining process parameters and cutting tools materials.  

To identify and describe the most significant AMed and machined component characteristics and to establish surface integrity and functionality relationship.


SuPreAM is a collaborative project with a multidisciplinary team with different capacities and knowledge in disciplines ranging from advanced characterisation, materials performance, simulation, machining processes, advanced testing and modelling, and Metal Additive Manufacturing.   

The consortium of the SuPreAM project, coordinated by Eurecat Technology Centre, is formed by 7 partners from Spain, Portugal and Sweden 

Eurecat is the leading Technology Centre of Catalonia, providing the industrial and business sector with differential technology and advanced expertise.

The centre offers to their innovation needs and boosts their competitiveness in a fast-paced environment. It brings together the expertise of 650 professionals who generate a volume of income of 50M€ per year. Serving more than a thousand companies, Eurecat is involved in 200 projects of R&D national and international with high strategic value.

Contribution to SuPreAM

Eurecat is in charge of coordinating the project through the Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit, which is focused on the investigation of the relation between the microstructure and tribomechanical properties of materials and the optimization of the forming processes to obtain materials with improved characteristics. Within SuPreAM project, Eurecat takes the responsibility to the investigation in surface integrity characterization of additive manufactured and machined components, tribological, mechanical and micromechanical behaviour of materials, performance of cutting tools and hard coatings. Moreover, the centre is also responsible for managing the project’s communication and dissemination activities.  





The Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE) was established in 1987  to advance the fields of engineering and applied sciences through the innovative application of numerical methods and computational techniques. Collaboratively formed with the support of the Government of Catalonia and UNESCO, CIMNE operates in close association with the Universitat Polytècnica de Catalunya (UPC). CIMNE has strategically positioned itself on a global stage, aiming to become a frontrunner in computational mechanics. In 2019, CIMNE received the esteemed recognition of being accredited as a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Science. 

CIMNE’s core focus is on computational mechanics, underpinned by a commitment to research, knowledge dissemination, and the practical application of numerical methods in engineering. As it moves forward, CIMNE envisions a future where it leads on a global scale in groundbreaking research pertaining to computational models in engineering. Their overarching goal is to develop pioneering numerical technologies capable of addressing contemporary and future societal challenges. In essence, CIMNE aspires to be at the forefront of innovation in the realm of computational mechanics and beyond, contributing significantly to the advancement of science and engineering. 

Contribution to SuPreAM

CIMNE plays a pivotal role in the project, with a central focus on leading WP4 dedicated to machining and surface finishing modelling. In WP4, CIMNE undertakes a multifaceted role, coordinating project activities, setting research priorities, and overseeing the development and validation of models for various machining processes, including milling, turning, and EDM. Their responsibilities extend to the implementation of critical components such as thermoplastic material models, friction characteristics, tool-wear laws, and surface roughness models, ensuring the accuracy and applicability of the numerical simulations. 

CIMNE’s expertise also encompasses the development of user-friendly software tailored for numerical modelling and simulation of machining processes. This specialized software aims to achieve high-quality surface integrity in additive manufactured and machined steel components, addressing the project’s core objectives. 





Grupo Sevilla Control (GSC) is a global Aerospace Tier 2 for Machined parts & Assembly through its 35 CNC and auxiliary machinery. GSC focuses its productive activity on the manufacture of integral solutions for structures and AOG, mainly in metallic materials. All of this in a full range of aerospace material, being focused on but not limited on Medium bench size(100-400mm) and Titanium, Aluminium and Steel as main materials.

Contribution to SuPreAM

GSC is going to lead the integration of machining strategies developed to analyze and improve machinability of additive manufacturing steel for aeronautical sector. For that, GSC will be in charge of defining the aeronautical case taking into account requirements of the candidates and constrains of additive technology. In addition, GSC cope the definition of machining and process conditions of sample parts with the model validation for simulation in contrast with the real conditions and parameters. 



DRT Rapid is part of a group of companies (DRT Group) with competences in different areas related to the production of moulds and plastics. The company is dedicated to the production of moulds and special tools for different industries (automotive, health, cosmetics, construction, etc.), exporting 100% of its products mainly to the German and Spanish markets.  

There is a complementarity of skills in the DRT Group that allows the entire value chain of the plastic part to be covered. The evolution of DRT RAPID has been marked by a clear progression in the value chain, increasingly assuming the stages of engineering, design and prototyping, migrating to the position of product development partner. The R&D activities allowed to provide customers innovative and competitive solutions, strengthening the position as a development partner with a clear approach to the final customer (OEM). The company’s main customers are the main automotive industry brands such as Peugeot, Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes and Porsche. DRT RAPID is one in a few Portuguese mould companies working directly with OEM, namely with the VW and BMW Group. Recently it had the classification B (2nd level of the scale) attributed in an audit done by the VW Group. Member of the VW Autoeuropa Suppliers Club. 

Contribution to SuPreAM

DRT RAPID will participate in the project leading one work package focused on machining and finishing processes and strategies. DRT RAPID will give its expertise in 3D printing (DMLS) and machining and finishing processes of steel parts with the focus in the moulds industry. 





LTU is the northern-most technical university in Sweden. The research subject Solid Mechanics at the department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics will carry out the research within this project. The department has about 220 employees and a turnover of more than 25 MEUR/year.  

Research is about 75% of this and most of it is financed via external funds (2/3). The research within Solid Mechanics is focusing on the use and development of advanced finite element simulations and material models. The group has been active within the field of simulation of manufacturing for more than three decades. It is world leading in the field of simulation of welding/metal deposition and machining but also other manufacturing processes are modelled.  

Contribution to SuPreAM

LTU participates in the project as leader of one work package focused on surface integrity and functionality relationship. LTU is also involved in model development for machining processes of AMed steels to predict surface integrity and perform injection mould and structural component behaviour simulation and validation. Further, LTU conducts experimental material testing for calibration of thermoplastic material models of AMed steels. 





Fundación IDONIAL is a Spanish, private, independent, non-profit, multisectorial technology centre which contributes to the promotion and development of the business fabric in its areas of technological specialization. IDONIAL offers integral tailored solutions in the entire value chain, related to materials, advanced manufacturing and digital industry through technology development and innovation.   

IDONIAL, thanks to its staff of 160 workers with extensive experience in different sectors is involved in more than 70 new R&D projects every year, 500 Technical assistances and 6000 technological services.  IDONIAL has wide experience both as partners and as coordinators in EU research programmes (H2020, FP, EUREKA, Era-Nets and INTERREG). It actively participates in several European Technology Platforms and belongs to the governing bodies of the Additive Manufacturing and Nanotechnology innovation ones. 

Contribution to SuPreAM

IDONIAL will participate in the project as leader of one work package focused on the definition of requirements, AM materials and process-chain implementation. In general, IDONIAL will be active in all about Additive Manufacturing (SLM) of samples and parts, post processing heat treatment optimization, microstructure, basic and in use properties validation (bulk properties).




ArcelorMittal (AMMR) is the world’s leading steel and mining company. It has steel manufacturing in 16 countries and customers in 155 countries. ArcelorMittal has a large offer (more than 200 trademark products) representing ~62.9MTon of steel shipments in 2021. Moreover, the group holds more than 724 patent families and has launched 51 new products and solutions in 2021. This is supported by a workforce of around 1,500 full-time researchers at 11 geographical sites throughout the world, with centres strategically placed in Europe, North and South America and close to key operations and customers.





2001, 2025

SuPreAM project meeting at IDONIAL facilities in Asturias

January 20th, 2025|

On January 15th, the members of the SuPreAM project, coordinated by the Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit of Eurecat, met at IDONIAL facilities located in Avilés (Asturias, Spain). Project partners presented and evaluated the progress made on the development and improvement of the performance and capabilities of a predictive simulation [...]

2911, 2024

SuPreAM presented at the workshop “Innovation in Optical Metrology” organised by Eurecat and SENSOFAR

November 29th, 2024|

Adrián Travieso-Disotuar, researcher at the Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit of Eurecat, has participated in the workshop “Innovation in Optical Metrology” with the talk “Analysis by Optical Profilometry of Post-Processed Surfaces of Metals Manufactured by Additive Technology”, which introduced the SuPreAM project. The event has been organised by SENSOFAR [...]

810, 2024

Partners from CIMNE bring SuPreAM project at the SolMech Conference

October 8th, 2024|

SuPreAM partners from CIMNE – the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering – attended the 43rd Solid Mechanics Conference (SolMech) which took place from 16 – 18 September in Wroclaw, Poland. Josep Maria Carbonell, project partner and Associate Research Professor at CIMNE, participated in the session “Manufacturing processes [...]

1007, 2024

Presenting seven RFCS projects coordinated by Eurecat to the Cluster of the Automotive Industry of Catalonia

July 10th, 2024|

Eurecat organised a meeting with representatives from the Cluster of the Automotive Industry of Catalonia (CIAC) at the facilities of the centre in Manresa (Spain) on July 10th, 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to demonstrate the efforts made by Eurecat to promote R+D+I projects, laboratories, materials and [...]

2706, 2024

Eurecat disseminates SuPreAM at the ICTMP Conference

June 27th, 2024|

Eurecat, acting as the SuPreAM coordinator, attended the 10th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes & Advanced Surface Engineering (ICTMP2024) celebrated from 26th – 28th of June in Alcoy, Spain. Adrián Travieso-Disotuar, project partner and researcher at the Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit of Eurecat, participated in the [...]

1206, 2024

Partners from IDIONIAL present SuPreAM project during a webinar organised by CDTI

June 12th, 2024|

The SuPreAM project was presented during the second session “Los Lunes de CDTI-SOST Bruselas”, organised by CDTI – The Center for Technological Development and Innovation, celebrated virtually on 10th of June. Daniel Fernandez-Poulussen, responsible for strategy and business development at the IDONIAL technology center, participated in the event and [...]

3105, 2024

Celebrating the 2nd General Assembly of SuPreAM in Barcelona

May 31st, 2024|

On May 29th , SuPreAM partners organised its second General Assembly at CIMNE facilities located in Barcelona (Spain).  Representatives from each partner entity participated in the meeting to present and review the work done during the first 6 months of SuPreAM with the objective to optimise the surface integrity [...]

1212, 2023

SuPreAM project celebrates its 1st General Assembly

December 12th, 2023|

Last 12th of December, SuPreAM partners celebrated the first General Assembly of the project in the DRT Rapid facilities located in Leiria (Portugal).  Representatives from each partner entity participated in the meeting to present and review the work done during the first 6 months of SuPreAM with the objective to optimise [...]

2610, 2023

Six RFCS projects coordinated by Eurecat presented at the SteelTech Congress

October 26th, 2023|

Eurecat has participated as exhibitor of the Steel Tech 2023 this week in Bilbao Exhibition Center from October 25-27. Amongst the center capacities in the steel sector, information on six Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)-funded projects COOPHS, HELIX, SupreAM, NewAIMS, Sup3rForm and MiPRE was displayed and presented. [...]

310, 2023

Optimising surface finish in additive manufacturing in the steel industry to reduce defects and manufacturing costs

October 3rd, 2023|

The European SuPreAM project is built on integrating all the aspects affecting the surface integrity of additively manufactured parts. It is to develop predictive models which factor in the influence of additive manufacturing technology, steel grades, machining strategies and process parameters plus component surface properties. A plastic injection mould [...]

1407, 2023

SuPreAM project kicks-off!

July 14th, 2023|

The SuPreAM project has kicked off in July 2023 with the objective to address finishing operations optimisation of Additive Manufactured (AMed) steel components via modelling.   Coordinated by Eurecat, the project has the ambition optimise the surface integrity of Additive Manufactured and Machined steel components and to reduce manufacturing expenditures [...]


Here is a list of SuPreAM work packages and deliverables.

WP1 – Project Coordination

D1.1 – Comprehensive overview of the project – Read the deliverable here

D1.2 – Risk assessment and contingency plan (Confidential)

D1.3 – Communication and dissemination plan – Read the deliverable here

D1.4 – Public publishable report

WP2 – Definition of requirements, AM materials and process-chain implementation

D2.1 – Software GUI design and material databases requirements (Confidential)

D2.2 – Production and quality assurance of samples for machining and surface characterization

WP3 – Machining and finishing processes and strategies

D3.1 – Definition of machining and finishing strategies (Confidential)

D3.2 – Machined and finished sample parts

WP4 – Machining and surface finishing modelling

D4.1 – Report of development and implementation for numerical simulation analysis of milling/turning processes (Confidential)

D4.2 – Report of development and implementation for numerical simulation analysis of EDM process (Confidential)

WP5 – Surface integrity characterization

D5.1 – Surface integrity of AMedand machined/finished samples,cutting tools wear characterizationand component functionality relationship (Confidential)

WP6 – Demonstrator generation and surface prediction model validation

D6.1 – Prototypes of injection mould and structural workpiece demonstrators

D6.2 – Predictive models validation: experimental values against numerical simulations. Sensitivity analysis of machining process parameters (Confidential)

WP7 – Application: surface integrity and functionality relationship

D7.1 – Injection moulding and structural component behaviour simulation and validation (Confidential)

D7.2 – Identification of main parameters affecting surface integrity

Download below the SuPreAM promotional materials, containing key information about the project.


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To contact with SuPreAM team please fill contact us by clicking the button below. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS): project num. 101112346. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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