Promote the introduction of new technologies, integrate them with existing ones, prepare the audiovisual sector of Catalonia to welcome them, as well as provide the necessary human capital to deploy them, with the aim of enhancing the competitiveness of companies Catalans in the European and global markets.

The audiovisual industry is in a process of unprecedented transformation linked to the emergence of disruptive technologies that drive the development of a wide range of innovations that have a transversal impact on production and consumption activities: virtual sets, immersive technologies , AI or remote production.

These changes are reshaping audiovisual spaces and infrastructures, transforming audiovisual creation and production processes and increasing the efficiency and quality of content.

In this scenario, the project aims to analyze emerging technologies to identify those that can become drivers for Catalan audiovisual and, based on this, (re)define the infrastructures necessary to accommodate them.

Together with Eurecat, the project has the participation of the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia and the companies Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya S.L. and Layers of Reality, S.L.

Specifically, Eurecat participates through its Consultancy department, responsible for carrying out a benchmarking study, identifying and analyzing tractor technologies with the participation of companies in the sector, and coordinating the final report of the project.

General details


New technologies applied to sets and audiovisual infrastructures. 

Project reference


Programme and call for tender

Project financed through ACCIÓ as part of the IRC 2023 call for the granting of subsidies to initiatives to strengthen competitiveness.

Related ODS 

4. Quality education

8. Decent work and economic growth.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure.