Development of a new decontamination technology for highly contaminated soils by petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals.
The RIBAS project is under the POSIDON initiative which has the objective of promoting innovation for the decontamination of polluted sites and soils. In the framework of the project, 5 European procurers have launched a Pre-Commercial Public Procurement (PCP), which is a transnational multiple-sourcing contract concerning R&D services aimed at steering the development of sustainable and cost-effective solutions for the decontamination of highly contaminated soils, preferably in-situ, whilst comparing/validating alternative solution approaches from various R&D providers.
Eurecat, through its Water, Air and Soil (WAS) and Waste, Energy and Environmental Impact (WEEI) Units together with the consultancy Amphos21, resulted one of the six phase 1 contractors, that have successfully executed the conceptual design of the solution and is one of the 4 contractors selected for the second phase, in which promotes the RIBAS project that consists of a prototype development, optimising the decontamination process on a laboratory scale and demonstrating its technical feasibility through laboratory experiments.
Based on a competitive tendering and bidding step, the 5 European soil owners composing the POSIDON buyers group will select the two better strategies and solutions to be field-tested in one pilot site in Trieste (Italy) and another one in Bilbao (Spain), during the phase 3 of the contract.
General details
RIBAS – Reactive infiltration basin for in-situ soil treatment
Project reference
H2020-EU. – 776838
Programme and call for tender
The RIBAS Project is under the initiative POSIDON funded by the European Union’s program Horizon 2020 under the call SC5-26-2017 – Pre-commercial procurement on soil decontamination.
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