Functional fabrics

category eurecat unit

Eurecat innovates in smart fabrics and plastics to bring functionalities, personalisation and comfort to car interiors

2024-12-24T10:01:58+01:00November 14th, 2024|Automotive, Fires, Functional fabrics, Functional Printing, Press Notes|

This week at the Automotive Interiors trade fair in Stuttgart (Germany), the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing new technological solutions and innovations which include shape-memory fabrics, visual comfort and electroluminescent filaments along with smart plastics to add functionalities to car interior materials. The automotive industry “is fully engaged in digital transformation and also embedding [...]

Eurecat develops new type of ultra-thin smart interface for the new generation of cars

2023-12-13T09:15:48+01:00December 11th, 2023|Automotive, Functional fabrics, Functional Printing, Plastic material, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre has developed a smart plastic surface just 3 millimetres thick which has an interface that allows users to communicate with a machine, software or intuitive system with built-in LED lighting and capacitive sensors which is expected to be embedded in the central electronic system of the new generation of cars. [...]

El centre tecnològic Eurecat innova en la producció tèxtil a partir de materials de base biològica

2023-06-19T11:38:44+02:00June 14th, 2023|Consulting, Functional fabrics, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Sustainability, Textile, WEEI|

El centre tecnològic Eurecat participa en el projecte HEREWEAR, que està impulsant noves solucions de materials basades en els últims desenvolupaments de cel·lulosa i polièsters de base biològica, dins d’un enfocament holístic que busca impulsar un mercat de la Unió Europea per a tèxtils circulars i peces de vestir produïdes localment a partir de [...]

Photonic technology and artificial intelligence to predict textile manufacturing defects

2023-06-15T10:03:15+02:00June 9th, 2023|Fires, Functional fabrics, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Textile|

The Eurecat technology centre is showcasing at ITMA (International Textile Machinery) 2023, the leading trade fair for the textile industry running until 14 June in Milan, a solution harnessing photonic and Internet of Things systems coupled with artificial intelligence algorithms which predicts potential manufacturing defects before the fabric is made and warns the production [...]

Social organisation Solidança teams up with Eurecat to devise a container for collecting clothing to enhance textile waste circularity

2023-05-18T14:01:56+02:00December 7th, 2022|Functional fabrics, Press Notes, Sustainability|

Solidança, a social organisation engaged in the social and solidarity economy and with extensive experience in gathering and recovering textile waste under the Roba Amiga brand, has teamed up with the Eurecat technology centre using Catalan Waste Agency grants promoting the circular economy to eco-design a container for collecting post-consumer clothing made from the textile waste [...]

Textile and fashion value chain invests in a sustainability, digitalisation and growth strategy

2023-05-18T14:22:12+02:00October 21st, 2022|Functional fabrics, Press Notes, Textile|

The TecnoCampus Congress Centre hosted the ‘Digital and sustainable transition of the textile and fashion value chain in Catalonia’ innovation conference attended by some 150 delegates from businesses, industry associations and governments. The presentations underscored the textile and fashion value chain’s eagerness to address sustainability as an opportunity for growth and setting up new [...]

Flick Hockey and Eurecat create a line of high-performance sportswear using plastic waste recovered from the seabed

2023-05-18T14:38:35+02:00September 1st, 2022|Functional fabrics, Press Notes, Sport, Sustainability, Textile|

Family-owned field hockey e-commerce, distribution and retail business Flick Hockey has teamed up with the Eurecat technology centre to develop a new line of locally produced high-performance sportswear made from plastic waste recovered from the seabed which has cut its carbon footprint by 40 percent. “By leveraging the historically robust Catalan textile industry and getting recycled [...]

Reimagine Textile, the first incubation and FabLAB venue for the textile industry in Catalonia

2022-07-25T15:43:39+02:00May 25th, 2021|Functional fabrics, Press Notes|

Reimagine Textile, the business innovation programme for the textile industry sponsored by Mataró Town Council, TecnoCampus and the Eurecat technology centre, is providing entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses in the textile industry with new incubation facilities and a Textile Manufacturing and Prototyping Laboratory (FabLAB) for generating new enterprises, testing new business models and prototyping innovative products. [...]

New 3D printing technology opens the door to “infinite length” formats for the textile industry

2019-06-26T09:39:28+02:00June 26th, 2019|Fires, Functional fabrics, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre (a member of Tecnio) has developed an innovative adaptation of the Blackbelt 3D textile printer, which is distributed in Spain by the Uniqo Custom Engineering company. This new development makes it possible to print designs onto fabric continuously, thereby achieving theoretically infinite lengths. In the words of Xavier Plantà, Eurecat’s director [...]

1D-NEON project partners review the work done during the 1st year

2017-04-21T12:03:14+02:00April 21st, 2017|Areas of knowledge, Functional fabrics, News, Press Notes|

Barcelona, 11 April 2017.- Italy will host today and tomorrow the European partners of the project 1D Nanofibre Electro-Optic Networks (1D-NEON) to celebrate the project’s 12 months meeting. The consortium will visit today Solvay’s facilities in Milan and tomorrow the members will travel to Como to the facilities of Saati, another partner of the project. During [...]

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