BATTECH innovates in electric battery recycling and circular economy

2025-01-10T13:21:39+01:00November 27th, 2024|Automotive, Energy, Press Notes, Sustainability, WEEI|

BATTECH, the joint research unit run by the Eurecat technology centre and the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), is this week showcasing technological innovations at the Battery Innovation Days, hosted this year in Barcelona, to make headway in recycling and reusing electric batteries at the end of their service life. As a pacesetter [...]

Eurecat drives rollout of innovative environmental technologies for smart resource use in businesses

2024-07-17T13:19:36+02:00May 14th, 2024|Aigua aire sols, Fires, Press Notes, Sustainability, WEEI|

This week at IFAT Munich, the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing the cutting-edge solutions and technologies it has developed for smart use of resources such as water and raw materials in businesses coupled with innovations which help unlock circularity, climate resilience, zero pollution and ecosystem stewardship. “Harnessing innovative environmental technologies will enable businesses to [...]

A new biogas purification technology to boost its utilization as an alternative energy

2024-07-10T13:42:39+02:00April 22nd, 2024|Aigua aire sols, Press Notes, Sustainability, WEEI|

The European LIFE Biogasnet project has validated a new biogas purification technology, which allows improving the quality of this resource produced in urban solid waste treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants, as well as reducing the carbon footprint of the cycle energy and promote the circular economy concept. Specifically, the solution "is based on [...]

El centre tecnològic Eurecat innova en la producció tèxtil a partir de materials de base biològica

2023-06-19T11:38:44+02:00June 14th, 2023|Consulting, Functional fabrics, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Sustainability, Textile, WEEI|

El centre tecnològic Eurecat participa en el projecte HEREWEAR, que està impulsant noves solucions de materials basades en els últims desenvolupaments de cel·lulosa i polièsters de base biològica, dins d’un enfocament holístic que busca impulsar un mercat de la Unió Europea per a tèxtils circulars i peces de vestir produïdes localment a partir de [...]

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