Innovation and product development

category eurecat unit

Roving prototype developed for systematic control of invasive alien species insects

2024-10-25T12:53:43+02:00October 21st, 2024|Innovation and product development, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre has helped to develop a roving prototype for controlling invasive alien species insects as part of a project led by Bionet (Gepork Group) and coordinated by the INNOVACC cluster which is designed to detect their entry via goods or people 24 hours a day to deliver continuous analysis. The project, [...]

New building decarbonisation technologies tested

2024-07-17T13:21:29+02:00May 15th, 2024|Innovation and product development, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre is taking part in the European StepUP project which has developed a new methodology for deep renovation, a set of digital tools and a range of technologies for quick and easy placement, connection and use (plug & play) to transform the energy renovation market and drive the decarbonisation of existing [...]

MWC showcases headband to record brain activity during acute stroke and predict complications

2024-03-13T11:25:04+01:00February 26th, 2024|Fires, Health, Innovation and product development, Press Notes|

The Eurecat technology centre is presenting this week at the Mobile World Congress a headband developed together with Time is Brain to record brain activity in real time during an acute stroke and predict complications early on. The innovation is part of the BraiN20® portable medical device which provides the patient with “quicker access [...]

Solution imitates nature for biodiversity regeneration in ports

2024-01-17T12:28:57+01:00November 10th, 2023|Canvi Climàtic, Innovation and product development, Press Notes, Simulation, Sustainability|

The Eurecat technology centre and the companies Ocean Ecostructures and GPA SEABOTS have teamed up on the OASIS project which is designed to roll out nature-based solutions to address the environmental impact of port infrastructures and thus help turn ports into active players in biodiversity regeneration and the fight against climate change on coasts. The [...]

More sustainable, efficient, innovative and attractively designed buildings with new hybrid fabrics

2023-05-18T14:06:58+02:00November 15th, 2022|Construction, Innovation and product development, Press Notes, Simulation|

Denvelops and the Eurecat technology centre have devised an architectural hybrid textile prototype which adds new energy and lighting features to building fronts while also delivering greater efficiency, sustainability, innovation, adaptability and design. The purpose of the project was to show that these types of solutions and functions tapping the new hybrid texTILES construction system [...]

Eurecat innovates in advanced materials to build more energy-efficient trains

2022-04-17T23:08:25+02:00November 30th, 2021|Audiovisual Technologies, Big Data, Composite material, Consulting, Fires, Functional Printing, Innovation and product development, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Railway|

The Eurecat technology centre is coordinating the CARBODIN (Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors) project which is to support building lighter and more energy-sustainable passenger trains by developing innovative modular tooling for manufacturing car bodies and carriage shells using composite materials. As part of the project “innovative and versatile moulds and tooling are to be designed and [...]

Robinhat and Eurecat devise a surgical cap which allows doctors to record operations

2021-07-27T11:44:22+02:00June 28th, 2021|Fires, Innovation and product development, Mobile World Congress, Press Notes|

Robinhat and the Eurecat technology centre have together devised a surgical cap for doctors and surgeons which enables live connections and recording operations so that the videos can be analysed afterwards. Its prototype will be on show for the first time at this year’s Mobile World Congress. Called RobinCam, it is a patented cap featuring [...]

Two out of every three Eurecat technology innovation projects are with SMEs

2022-07-25T16:34:43+02:00May 12th, 2021|Innovation and product development, Press Notes|

Two out of every three Eurecat technology innovation projects are with small and medium-sized enterprises which it supports in enhancing their processes and services and also in developing new products by pinpointing opportunities for market-oriented applied digital, industrial, biotech and sustainability innovation. In almost all cases the starting point for new product development is tapping disruptive technology [...]

Young entrepreneur unveils professional pocket piano for playing music on the go

2022-07-25T16:41:56+02:00April 28th, 2021|Innovation and product development, Press Notes|

Young entrepreneur Josep Bergadà has released the first pre-production version of PocketPiano, a professional pocket piano that allows you to play music anywhere and is now coming onto the market after four years of development in partnership with the Eurecat technology centre. Josep Bergadà has teamed up with Jorquera Pianos, a firm which has been in [...]

Eurecat engaged in project developing new technologies to drive building decarbonisation

2022-07-25T17:19:10+02:00March 4th, 2021|Construction, Innovation and product development, Press Notes, Sustainability|

The Eurecat technology centre is taking part in the European StepUP project which is developing affordable solutions and technologies designed to transform the energy renovation market and make decarbonising existing buildings a reliable, attractive and sustainable investment. It will do this by developing technology which draws on occupant feedback and supports an iterative approach to energy renovation anchored in real and simulated [...]

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