
Eurecat visits carmaker Chery and HRC Composites

2024-12-24T09:55:56+01:00October 28th, 2024|Aeronautical, Automotive, Press Notes, Railway|

Miquel Rey, Director General of Business, and Xavier Plantà, Director of Eurecat’s Industrial Area, have visited car brand Chery and the facilities of HRC Composites in China. Carmaker Chery, which will soon kick off production in Barcelona, ​​has gone from manufacturing one to two and a half million cars in the last four years [...]

Eurecat drives new smart collaborative platform to optimise European traffic management

2024-07-17T13:36:05+02:00May 28th, 2024|Aeronautical, Automotive, Press Notes, Railway|

The European FRONTIER project, coordinated by the Eurecat technology centre, has developed a smart collaborative platform to optimise communication between transport stakeholders to reduce traffic congestion, predict incidents and help make management decisions. The platform, called ANTME (Autonomous Network and Traffic Management Engine), optimises traffic control by monitoring incidents such as road works or [...]

Eurecat taps artificial intelligence in new advanced manufacturing solutions for the textile, automotive and construction sectors

2024-06-05T12:11:17+02:00April 12th, 2024|AAI, Automotive, Autonomous and professional robotics, Construction, Fires, Materials Processing and Capital Equipment, Press Notes, Railway|

The Eurecat technology centre has showcased at the Advanced Factories trade fair advanced manufacturing solutions drawing on artificial intelligence to transform industrial processes in the textile, automotive, construction and other sectors and unlock Industry 4.0 in enterprises. Specifically, Eurecat has exhibited at Advanced Factories a solution harnessing photonics, the Internet of Things and artificial [...]

Eurecat unveils battery, hydrogen, robotics, new materials and plastronics technologies for sustainable mobility at eMobility World Congress

2024-03-13T11:05:54+01:00February 12th, 2024|Aeronautical, Automotive, Energy, Fires, Press Notes, Railway|

At the eMobility Expo World Congress, which brings together the European mobility industry from 13-15 February in Valencia, the Eurecat technology centre is to unveil its latest-generation technologies and solutions in batteries and electrification, hydrogen, robotics, new lightweight materials, plastronics and artificial intelligence to unlock sustainable mobility. “Eurecat will bring outstanding innovations to businesses to [...]

Researchers from seven European countries test their drone inspection developments in Sabadell

2023-10-26T14:08:44+02:00July 6th, 2023|Autonomous and professional robotics, Construction, Press Notes, Railway|

Researchers from seven European countries have today tested their drone inspection developments at the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) Sabadell Rambla facilities in the former FGC Sabadell Rambla train station as part of a week of tests organised by the Eurecat technology centre for the Aero-Train consortium. The event took place in [...]

New smart mobility solutions to unlock connected and shared transport

2022-12-01T10:12:22+01:00December 1st, 2022|Big Data, Fires, Press Notes, Railway|

The Eurecat technology centre is presenting new smart mobility solutions which embed real-time information about railways, public transport services, ridesharing and crowdsourcing in technology systems to compare and choose between options and unlock connected and shared public transport. The tools and platforms on show at Rail Live, which is taking place in Malaga, are part [...]

Eurecat innovates in advanced materials to build more energy-efficient trains

2022-04-17T23:08:25+02:00November 30th, 2021|Audiovisual Technologies, Big Data, Composite material, Consulting, Fires, Functional Printing, Innovation and product development, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes, Railway|

The Eurecat technology centre is coordinating the CARBODIN (Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors) project which is to support building lighter and more energy-sustainable passenger trains by developing innovative modular tooling for manufacturing car bodies and carriage shells using composite materials. As part of the project “innovative and versatile moulds and tooling are to be designed and [...]

New approaches and tools to drive gender equality and diversity in smart mobility

2022-04-17T23:14:19+02:00November 19th, 2021|Big Data, ICT, Press Notes, Railway|

Over 60 international speakers took part this week in the final conference of the DIAMOND and TInnGO projects, held online in conjunction with the 10th International Travel Demand Management Symposium. It was attended by over 150 people from academia, the industry, project members and associations and platforms advocating gender equality and inclusion, and policymakers from all over the [...]

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