
Dipneo launches a round of financing through Capital Cell to raise 300,000 euros

2024-07-24T13:39:30+02:00July 4th, 2024|Health, Press Notes|

The spin-off Dipneo, created by the Eurecat technology centre and Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​has started an investment campaign through the crowdfunding platform specialised in biotechnology and health, Capital Cell. The capital increase is intended to raise 300,000 euros to accelerate the development of an innovative medical device in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation [...]

Vall d’Hebron, Eurecat and Medical Simulator present an innovative simulator to learn how to perform ultrasound-guided punctures

2024-06-28T15:41:21+02:00June 28th, 2024|E-Health, Health, Press Notes, Sin categoría @en|

The training of healthcare professionals is essential to ensure the best results and guarantee the safety of patients, especially when involving invasive procedures. In order to aid this learning, Vall d'Hebron, together with the Eurecat technology center and Medical Simulator, have developed a high-precision simulator, Winco USG, to teach punctures under ultrasound control, which [...]

CaixaBank, Eurecat and Telefónica ratify their collaboration agreement with Future: Fast Forward to transform Spain into a hub for electric and sustainable mobility

2024-07-24T13:32:11+02:00June 20th, 2024|Automotive, Corporatiu, Press Notes|

The Future: Fast Forward group held the signing ceremony of the collaboration agreement with CaixaBank, the Eurecat technology centre and Telefónica in Madrid. This event, which in addition to the signing also included a round table discussion, was attended by Gonzalo Alcubilla, Corporate Banking Director at CaixaBank; Daniel Altimiras, President of Eurecat; Sergio Oslé, [...]

Decarbonisation and new smart solutions for optimising mobility, among the growing trends in the sector

2024-07-24T13:29:29+02:00June 19th, 2024|Automotive, Fires, Press Notes|

New mobility is being shaped by major trends, such as the application of new smart solutions that lead to its management and optimisation, both in terms of people and goods, and the decarbonisation of the sector, through technologies for electrification and the use of hydrogen as an energy vector, as is evident these days [...]

New intelligent tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage

2024-07-24T13:25:19+02:00June 18th, 2024|Cultural and Creative Industries, Fires, New Manufacturing Processes, Press Notes|

This week at CM Malaga, the event promoting the adoption of technological and cutting-edge solutions in the cultural sector, the Eurecat technology centre presents innovative tools for the preservation of remote cultural heritage through monitoring technology and digitalisation techniques and artificial intelligence for the identification and early detection of threats. Specifically, the ARGUS project [...]

Eurecat drives new smart collaborative platform to optimise European traffic management

2024-07-17T13:36:05+02:00May 28th, 2024|Aeronautical, Automotive, Press Notes, Railway|

The European FRONTIER project, coordinated by the Eurecat technology centre, has developed a smart collaborative platform to optimise communication between transport stakeholders to reduce traffic congestion, predict incidents and help make management decisions. The platform, called ANTME (Autonomous Network and Traffic Management Engine), optimises traffic control by monitoring incidents such as road works or [...]

Eurecat study shows that bioactive multi-ingredient supplement could improve menopausal women’s health

2024-07-17T13:34:35+02:00May 27th, 2024|Health, Nutrition and Health, Press Notes|

A study by the Eurecat technology centre has shown that a bioactive compound multi-ingredient supplement containing phytosterols and the polyphenols hesperidin and curcumin has beneficial effects similar to hormone replacement treatments in tackling metabolic and cardiovascular alterations which can occur in the menopause, meaning that it could be an alternative therapy to improve women’s [...]

Promoting digital and ecological transformation of tourism SMEs by integrating innovative technologies

2024-07-17T13:31:04+02:00May 24th, 2024|Consulting, Press Notes, Tourism|

The European RESETTING project, coordinated by the Eurecat technology centre, has rolled out the digital and ecological transformation of 60 small and medium-sized European tourism enterprises, 14 of them in Tarragona, and they have received over half a million euros in grants to enhance their resilience and sustainability by integrating innovative technologies. The project’s [...]

Eurecat showcases new artificial intelligence and photonics system to predict textile production defects

2024-07-17T13:28:45+02:00May 23rd, 2024|Fires, Press Notes, Textile|

At the IOT Solutions World Congress, the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing an innovation developed in partnership with Canmartex harnessing photonics, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence algorithms for large-diameter circular knitting machines which makes it possible to predict and prevent potential manufacturing defects before they occur. An estimated 92 million tons of [...]

Personal trainer tapping artificial intelligence to help age better with healthy habits

2024-07-17T13:26:54+02:00May 22nd, 2024|E-Health, Fires, Health, Press Notes|

At the IOT Solutions World Congress fair in Barcelona, the Eurecat technology centre is showcasing ​​a digital health app which provides personalised recommendations tapping artificial intelligence to foster healthy lifestyle habits for older people and helps towards active ageing and better care for dependent people. The app is called Carpe Diem Virtual Coach and [...]

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