


Development of a vineyard innovative tool based on the integration of Earth Observation services and in-field sensors. The VitiGEOSS project, coordinated by Eurecat, integrates and improves existing solutions coupling satellite imagery with in-field sensors with the aim to increase resolution and reliability of satellite information applied to viticulture. Currently, the European Union is the world biggest wine producer, being winemaking the main economic activity of many regions in Southern Europe. Therefore, the wine sector invests heavily in state-of-the-art technology in order to develop innovative solutions and technologies to achieve the most maintain the quality and sustainability requirements. [...]



New European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) to stimulate the implementation of high robotic technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the agri-food industry. The AgROBOfood project develops a network, formed by universities, research centres and innovative companies with the objective of create innovation ecosystems at local and regional level in the field of robotics applied to agri-food sector. AgROBOfood network is oriented to foster the sharing of information facilities and best practices for an effective adoption of tech robotic concepts in the agri-food sector and demonstrating their applicability under practical circumstances, in order to increase the [...]

IoE Crops


The IoECrops project improves the productivity, efficiency and resilience of large-scale crop production by supporting agricultural management through the use of technologies based on the Internet of Things (IoT). Over the course of the project, sensors were installed and tractors, seed drills and bale harvesters were connected to the Internet along with the irrigation and fertilization systems used in different fields, in order to improve the productivity of large-scale crop production. The sensors used gateways located on the machines or in the fields themselves (all of which were located in Catalonia) to connect to a cloud-based [...]



Development of a pheromone dispenser for matting disruption in vineyards using an autonomous ground robot equipped with a robotic arm. GRAPE (GroundRobot for vineyArd Monitoring and ProtEction) is an Echord++ experiment on Agricultural and Food Robotics. The project is developing the on-board intelligence, ranging from autonomous navigation algorithms to perception and manipulation. The system is able to navigate autonomously over different type of terrain in vineyards. The localization is based on the hybridization of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Positioning) and local sensors. The robot is equipped with laser scanners that are concatenated across time and space [...]



The objective of the Interacciona project is to design and manufacture intelligent labels powered by NFC technology. These labels are designed for use on wine and liquor bottles. They can be controlled through a mobile app and integrate active functions such as temperature and humidity sensors, and electro-lighting components. Additionally, Interacciona is developing an electronic control and feeding circuit for the labels designed for large-scale distribution. The labels would contain the active functions required by each customer and can be personalized for any occasion. A pilot test will be performed during the project in which two types of labels [...]



Innoqua project develops the first modular system in the world to imitate the biological process of water purification (that earthworms, zooplankton, and microorganisms do) in order to reuse wastewater for agriculture or human activity in developing areas. The Innoqua solution is scalable, modular, and cost-effective, and represents an ecological alternative given that wastewater can be reduced virtually to zero. Twenty research centres from ten European and non-European countries are participating in this project, due to finalize in 2020. Researchers at Eurecat in the field of Smart Management Systems and Sustainability, will be in charge of developing a low-cost [...]

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