
Research and development in new offsite construction systems


This project aims to develop four solutions (photovoltaic, kinetic, light and active shading) that are integrated into the innovative façade covering system developed by the company DENVELOPS. The lighting solution consists of the use of unitary 200x300mm lighting panels that integrate LED lights (low power) and silicone to diffuse the light, eliminating the punctual effect of the LED. Color is controlled and aesthetic lighting effects are achieved. As for the photovoltaic solution, it consists of unitary 200x800mm panels, with four photovoltaic cells per panel. The cables and connections are invisible, since they are integrated into the [...]



System for detection and diagnosis of mechanical failures based on acoustic emissions for a predictive maintenance in railway deviation systems. Predivia has developed technologies that allow the detection and monitoring incipient issues of cracks in critical elements of the railway infrastructure, as well as forecast their evolution, allowing to predict the fracture of the component once a crack is detected. The Predivia innovation allows to continuously supervision of railway infrastructure elements in order to substantially increase the infrastructure’s security, as well as reduce the operation and maintenance costs, maximising the availability of the infrastructure, increasing its [...]



New premixed powdered iron-based formulations manufactured in-company for use in the pulvimetallurgical industry. The METALDIS project develops a new industrial metal powder wet-mixing strategy for implementation at semi-industrial level in the production chain of pressed and sinterised parts for structural and magnetic components intended mainly for the automotion industry, and for the development of new alloys by centrifugal atomisation of powders. METALDIS, led by the AMES Group of companies, holds an ownership interest in the Institute of Ceramics and Glass (ICV) of the CSIC and Eurecat, through its Modelling and Simulation Unit. Eurecat is responsible for [...]



Modelling and simulation of compact vehicles for the construction industry equipped with optimised thermal management compared to motor cooling elements. The VECOTER project makes use of CFD integral numerical simulation to achieve a realistic level by coupling physical differences and adjustment and validation against parameters obtained from real environment tests, a very complex type of modelling which had not been previously applied to compact vehicles for construction. Modelling, the main technological innovation that supports the project, will enable the proper design, selection and dimensioning of the elements involved in the thermal management of the vehicle, avoiding [...]



The AVINT project aims to develop and introduce an application for predicting the roughness and surface finish of mechanised pieces for their optimal surface integrity. In addition, the project will allow new products and pieces with added value to be obtained, such as mechanised tools, coverings for tools and lubricants/cooling agents. The project focuses its activity on optimising the efficiency of metallic mechanised processes, using simulation and optimisation tools and automatic learning for greater optimisation of the quality control and surface integrity of the components. AVINT is a project of the  RIS3CAT Comunitat Indústries del Futur [...]



New high- and medium-voltage cables designed by simulation with jacket and shield thicknesses that are more resistant to impact and torsion. The CATESIM project uses advanced numerical simulation techniques to model the contacts between the cable layers and the non-linear behaviour of new materials. Modelling has made it possible to design cables resistant to the plastic collapse of the shield when reeling and installing the cable, guaranteeing their watertightness and high resistance. The project, led by General Cable, included the participation of the Eurecat Modelling and Simulation Unit, which addressed the complexity of the calculation, and [...]



Intelligent monitoring system for the predictive maintenance of the critical elements of bogies, based on the processing of acoustic emissions. The BEA project has developed tools to detect, locate and diagnose emerging cracks in the critical elements of bogies, such as the axles and wheel tread, and to predict the development of the fracture once it has been detected. A bogie, the chassis on which a current locomotive or train carriage sits, is made up of a platform of two or three axles and their corresponding wheels, attached to the vehicle through a vertical swivel. The [...]



The FAMPAI project develops and manufactures, with advanced processes, powdered materials of a metallic, intermetallic and ceramic nature, with a crystalline, amorphous structure, for industrial applications. The project focuses on shaping pieces by means of powder metallurgy and on the treatment and functionalisation of surfaces by means of coverings deposited by projection. The FAMPAI project should enable these powdered materials to be manufactured and applied, in the hope that Catalonia will become an international benchmark in the production of powder with high added value. Eurecat has participated in the project through its technological New Manufacturing Processes [...]



The REFER project promotes energy cost-reduction and greater efficiency in residential and service buildings by monitoring and optimizing the conditioning systems of residential buildings and, on the other hand, incorporating to service buildings intelligent and interoperable energy management systems and new innovative solutions for the generation and storage of renewable energy. During the project, energy measurement, generation and storage systems have been implemented, and more than 17 products have been developed, granting energy flexibility to buildings in ongoing rehabilitation processes. REFER has also allowed to improve technologies that participate in the energy flexibility of the buildings [...]



The BIM4 has been designed to use BIM methodology to include a new safety improvement system during the construction of buildings and infrastructures. This project will develop a technology to enable the continuous monitoring of workers, collective protection teams, and machinery used in construction work, and connect them to an Occupational Risk Prevention Management system with indicators displaying the risks derived from their different working environments. BIM4 is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Challenges-Collaboration tender. General details Project BIM4 Project reference RTC-2016-5430-7 Programme and call for [...]



NATURE4CITIES is a research and innovation project. Its goal is to create a Reference Platform for Nature Based Solutions (NBS). The platform offers technical solutions, methods and tools aimed at facilitating decision-making in urban planning. This will address the environmental, social and economic challenges of cities. Nature4Cities aims to bring nature back into innovation, planning and their implementation. This new approach implies new collaborative models driven by citizens, researchers, policy makers, and industry leaders, using co-creation processes and sharing best practices. In Nature4Cities, Eurecat contributes with its experience in data acquisition and processing with drones. Aerial imagery [...]



Robots are being highly used nowadays for goods transportation in warehouses and logistic scenarios. In some of them, such as in the aeronautic industry, the weight of the components require powerful AGVs to accomplish the task. Moreover the dimension of some components require more than one robot to carry out the task, such as, for example, the transportation of an airplane wing. Current commercial solutions accomplish this by mechanically attaching two robots. However, this somehow limits the size of the object that can be transported. In GEOMOVE project, we have gone beyond the state of the art to develop a wireless cooperative transportation [...]



The PREVIEW project (PREdictive System to Recommend Injection Mould setup) aims to provide the mould injection industry with process control mechanisms that will reduce the time to set up a mould configuration, afford in energy consumption and waste material, and increase productivity due to the process flexibility. PREVIEW develops a universal acquisition system for moulding parameters; a robust network of communications to monitor in real time the processparameters, designed to work in today’s existing industrial environments; and an advanced prediction system centralised in the cloud developed by Eurecat, which provides machine configuration recommendations based on the statistical [...]

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