Advanced Management Systems



Disruptive carbon-fibre sternal closure system for fast and secure fixation of a sternotomy. CarbonSC develops and clinically tests a disruptive sternal closure compatible with mini-sternotomies that solves the main drawbacks of current technologies. In this sense, CarbonSC is the first cost-effective solution that fixes the sternum in a safe, fast and error-proof way, while avoiding bone damage. The main clinical innovations of the CarbonSC system are, on the one hand, designing a unique mechanism, integrated into the device itself, that ensures the application of a precise tightening force to close the sternum, and on the other [...]



Revolutionising sustainability in additive manufacturing processes. REPAM addresses inefficiencies in additive manufacturing, focusing on enhancing material recycling and optimising processes for greater sustainability. Current production methods, such as metal powder production, suffer from low yields (30-50%), with significant energy losses due to remelting and limited recycling options for advanced alloys. REPAM transforms the entire process chain through innovation, from material production to recycling and reuse. The project develops advanced sensors and artificial intelligence models to monitor and optimise powder production processes, enabling real-time process control and the use of a broader range of recycled materials. Scrap [...]



A microwave plasma system to decompose hydrogen sulphide generated in foundries and valorise the sulphur and hydrogen produced. The PRIM-ROCK project improves the resource efficiency of the calcination and roasting processes, that are commonly used in the mineral and cement industries. To this end, process simulations in collaboration with AI data-driven models are used, and a digital twin for each process is developed. PRIM-ROCK addresses process efficiency through a multifaceted strategy addressing industrial processes from input to output, supported by an ambitious digital framework and transversal supporting activities. In particular, advanced techniques for the pre-processing of [...]



Enhancement of road safety across Europe. The EvoRoads project accelerates the attainment of the Vision Zero EU goal through a holistic framework of innovative models, tools and services that enable data-driven evolution of safety assessment frameworks, facilitate dynamic monitoring of cyber-physical infrastructures and promote the proactive warning for safety risks in complex environments. At the operational level, EvoRoads defines safety criteria and KPIs quantification methodologies covering the entire spectrum of the “Safe System” approach and develops a connectivity platform where transport infrastructure assets are digitalised and safety assessment services are functioning in a harmonious way. The [...]



Next-generation battery management system (BMS) platform to overcome critical challenges limiting the performance of existing solutions. The iBattMan project revolutionizes battery management for Li-ion technologies, crucial for replacing Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) vehicles by 2050. iBattMan, through an innovative, modular, and scalable BMS, improves the performance, safety, and cost-effectiveness of Li-ion technologies, contributing to its full market penetration.​ The project incorporates novel sensors and methodologies for monitoring the State-of-Health (SOH) of the cells during operation and in charging, together with cutting-edge technologies and tools for Vehicle-to-everything (V2X), second-life applications. Moreover, iBattman uses advanced physics and data-based models implemented on-board and on-cloud for performance evaluation, diagnosis, health management and safety evaluation tools, to address safety [...]



Creation of a cyber-physical device that monitors and optimizes the plastic injection process. The DASIT project develops a cyber-physical prototype that allows real-time and remote monitoring of the injection process, obtaining direct data from sensors embedded in the mould and indirect data through a device connected to the mould. The device powered by DASIT is energy efficient, by integrating an energy harvesting system, and has a geolocation system through the implementation of advanced technologies to track the location of the molds. It is a cloud-connected wireless device with a low-cost approach. In addition, data quality validation [...]



Development of a new generation of eco-designed and automated circular knitting machines. The EcoTex project focuses on reducing the environmental impact in the production of circular knitting machines, implementing a sustainable design and optimizing the use of materials. EcoTex improves the ergonomics of the operator with a solution that contemplates the redesign of the machine in order  to reduce its environmental impact, the development of specific sensors, predictive maintenance, and improving the ergonomy throught automated needle feeding and loading systems. This initiative arises as a response to the urgent need to reduce the environmental impact in [...]



Safeguarding cultural heritage through real-time monitoring, long-term analysis and innovative strategies. The ARGUS project develops intelligent and scalable solutions for the monitoring and management of cultural sites, making them resilient to present and future challenges. The mission of ARGUS is orchestrated in five thematic pillars, from the development of digital and advanced measurement infrastructures to the promotion of sustainability and the involvement of communities. By adopting a multidimensional strategy, ARGUS establishes a new paradigm in heritage preservation, characterized by its preventive, protective and mitigating strategies. ARGUS drives new standards in heritage conservation by integrating satellite remote [...]



Non-destructive detection by measuring the degree of maturity of oranges and tangerines with multispectral images. The MADURESA project promotes innovative and disruptive technologies for the digitisation and improvement of the quality process in the agri-food sector, specifically in oranges and tangerines. Artificial intelligence technologies applied in the world of agriculture use sensors to achieve precision agriculture that increases the yield and quality of production. MADURESA evaluates the potential of two techniques: near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) for the analysis of multispectral images and analytical techniques for the determination of the most important maturity parameters of fruit quality. In [...]



High-performance sensor for an industry 4.0 with zero manufacturing defects. The VISIRIA4.0 project develops vision technology to establish a constant line of information that allows any industry to improve its production processes, thus reaching manufacturing with zero defects. VISIRIA4.0 develops a new high-performance sensor that works in the spectrum range 400 – 1700 nm. In this sense, the application of photonic technology will facilitate the automation of error detection in a non-intrusive and continuous way. This technology will be validated in two relevant industries such as textile knitting and plastic injection by silicone moulds. VISIRIA 4.0 [...]



Research and development of ceramic and metallic powder material from recycled sources for the additive manufacturing sector. The VIVALDI project promotes recovery processes for ceramic and metallic material waste through the generation of powder, to be used in additive manufacturing and other value-added applications, such as laser cladding or the development of light alloys. Eurecat participates in VIVALDI through different Technological Units: The Metallic and Ceramic Materials Unit manufactures powder by centrifugal atomisation from chips, develops new reinforced alloys with recycled particles, andvalidates the properties of the parts manufactured with these recovered materials. The New Manufacturing Processes Unit [...]



Non-profit regional innovation ecosystem formed by the main agents supporting digitisation in Catalonia. The Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia (DIH4CAT) connects the main technology infrastructure of the region to accelerate technology transformation towards a more green and digital industry. DIH4CAT is mainly aimed at Catalan technology start-ups, public administrations and SMEs, with a special focus on manufacturing companies and technology providers. Catalonia has a strong industrial base with 35.339 companies (99% SMEs), which represent 18.1% of Spanish industrial enterprises. In 2019, data shows that only 16% of those companies had adopted advanced digital technologies. Besides, Catalonia [...]



Investigation of the nutritional quality and the interaction with the microbiota of new protein alternatives through the combination of new dynamic digestion technologies and Organ-on-Chip (OOC) intestinal modeling. The MICROGUT project aims to investigate the application of new OOC technologies for the recreation of the microenvironment of the human colon, including the microbiota and its interaction with the cellular and molecular component of the epithelium, optimising dynamic digestion systems to recreate the biochemical conditions in vitro, microstructure and fluidics of the three differentiated sections of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum). MICROGUT will explore the [...]

IoT Crops 4.0


Feasibility studies to assess the convenience of developing a cloud interface and HMI support for managing agricultural maps. The IoT Crops 4.0 project aims to carry out a set of feasibility studies that facilitate strategic decision-making and allow evaluating the convenience of developing a cloud interface and HMI (Human-Machine Interface) support to link the management of agriculture maps for variable fertilisation with liquid and solid fertiliser dispensers. The IoT Crops 4.0 project results from the application of three crucial technologies for the digital transformation of agriculture and in particular the wine sector. These technologies are, in [...]



Design and development of a new generation of circular knitting machines with total and predictive quality control. The PRECATEX project implements an innovative total and predictive quality control system with the objective to allow the productivity of quality textiles and minimises defective production. This new system is achieved by using new techniques not currently implemented in the sector, such as new generation sensors and the integration of Predictive Quality Models. Eurecat, which participates in the project through its Applied Artificial Intelligence Unit, the New Manufacturing Processes Unit and the Functional Textiles Unit, is responsible for the [...]

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